首页> 外文期刊>Optik: Zeitschrift fur Licht- und Elektronenoptik: = Journal for Light-and Electronoptic >Resonant transmission of electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional multilayer plasmas having graded optical thickness

Resonant transmission of electromagnetic waves in one-dimensional multilayer plasmas having graded optical thickness


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Electromagnetic wave transmission through one dimensional multilayer plasmas, consisting of air and plasma, and having graded optical thickness is analyzed for under dense plasma (omega > omega(p)) and over-dense plasma (omega < omega(p)). Transmittivity of such a structure is found by solving wave equations and matching the electric field and its derivatives at the boundaries. It is observed that gradation in the thickness of either air or plasma or both simultaneously; leads to increase in the number of resonant frequency for under dense and over dense plasma. Respective resonant frequency is found to be shifted towards higher and lower frequency for over dense and under dense plasma for the gradation in the thickness of constituent materials. It is also found that by proper choice of gradation parameters, transmission of electromagnetic waves through such multilayer structure can be controlled and tuned to a particular frequency regime. (C) 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:通过一维多层等离子体(由空气和等离子体组成,并具有渐变的光学厚度)对电磁波的传输进行了分析,分析了浓密等离子体(omega> omega(p))和超密等离子体(omega



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