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Metallothioneins in terrestrial invertebrates: structural aspects, biological significance and implications for their use as biomarkers.


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During the last few years the subject of metallothioneins (MTs) in terrestrial invertebrates has gained increasing attention. One reason for this may be that terrestrial invertebrates provide new insights into the biological diversity of MTs, with the potential of discovering alternative models of structural and functional relationships. Four groups of terrestrial invertebrates have been studied in detail, namely nematodes, insects, snails and earthworms, with the present article focusing on MTs from the latter two groups. Snails are interesting because they possess distinct MT isoforms involved in different metal-specific tasks. In the Roman snail (Helix pomatia), for example, one isoform is predominantly expressed in the midgut gland, accounting for the accumulation, binding and detoxification of cadmium. The second isoform, which is present in the snail's mantle, is substantially different regarding its primary structure. Furthermore, it binds nearly exclusively copper, and thus is probably involved in the homeostatic regulation of essential trace elements. Earthworm MTs merit our attention because of another peculiarity: they seem to be much more unstable than snail MTs, particularly under conventional conditions of preparation. The cDNA of the brandling worm (Eisenia foetida), for instance, codes for a putative MT, which is about twice the size of the actual protein. The isolated MT peptide binds four Cd2+ ions and represents a one-domain MT entity that is stable and functional in vitro. This strongly suggests that earthworm MTs are either posttranslationally modified, or subjected to enzymatic cleavage during preparation. Both snail and earthworm MTs are inducible by metal exposure, especially by cadmium, thus supporting the idea of using them as potential biomarkers for environmental metal pollution. Whilst snail MTs have already been tested in this respect with some success, the use of earthworm MTs as biomarkers still remains to be evaluated, especially in the light of the unknown significance of their posttranslational instability.
机译:在最近几年中,陆生无脊椎动物中金属硫蛋白(MTs)的主题越来越受到关注。原因之一可能是陆地无脊椎动物为MT的生物多样性提供了新的见识,并有可能发现结构和功能关系的替代模型。已经详细研究了四类陆生无脊椎动物,即线虫,昆虫,蜗牛和earth,而本文重点关注后两类的MT。蜗牛很有趣,因为它们具有参与不同金属特定任务的不同MT同工型。例如,在罗马蜗牛(Helix pomatia)中,中肠腺体主要表达一种同工型,这说明了镉的积累,结合和解毒。存在于蜗牛罩中的第二同工型在其主要结构上有很大不同。此外,它几乎只结合铜,因此可能参与必需微量元素的稳态调节。 another MT具有另一个特殊性,值得我们注意:它们似乎比蜗牛MT不稳定得多,尤其是在常规准备条件下。例如,the蠕虫(Eisenia foetida)的cDNA编码一个假定的MT,大约是实际蛋白质大小的两倍。分离的MT肽结合四个Cd2 +离子,代表一个在体外稳定且功能正常的单域MT实体。这有力地暗示了either MTs是经过翻译后修饰的,或者在制备过程中经历了酶促裂解。蜗牛MT和worm MTs均可通过金属暴露(尤其是镉)诱导,因此支持了将它们用作环境金属污染的潜在生物标记的想法。尽管蜗牛MTs已在这方面进行了一些成功的测试,但MT MTs作为生物标记物的使用仍有待评估,尤其是鉴于其翻译后不稳定性的未知意义。



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