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Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome with Isolated Unilateral Eyelid Edema: An Immunopathologic Study


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Lymphedema is caused by defective drainage of the lymphatic system. In Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, involvement is predominantly of the lumens with blockage of lymphatic channels by histiocytic-epithelioid cell clusters accompanied by dermal granulomas and lymphocytes. It is a localized, painless, nonitching, and nonpitting form of lymphedema. Besides the eyelids, the disease can cause lip edema, facial palsy, and/or fissured tongue. It is rare and has received little attention in the ophthalmic literature, either in its complete triadic form, or more frequently, in its monosymptomatic forms. Pathogenesis is not well understood, and there is no effective therapy. The authors describe a case of Melkesson-Rosenthal syndrome in a 45-year-old Hispanic man with isolated unilateral upper eyelid edema. Histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluations of an eyelid biopsy specimen revealed intravascular and extravascular clusters of histiocytic-epithelioid cells that were CD68/163-positive. Variable numbers of mostly T-lymphocytes were found in the epidermis, dermis, and orbicularis muscle and by virtue of the associated granulomas established the diagnosis of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome. CD4 helper and CD8 suppressor T-lymphocytes were equally represented. CD20 B-lymphocytes were exceedingly sparse. Conspicuous CD1a-positive Langerhans' cells were present in the epidermis, sometimes formed subepithelial loose aggregates and were also incorporated in the granulomas. The differential diagnosis includes the far more common condition of acne rosacea. Management of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, and of angioedema in general, is reviewed.
机译:淋巴水肿是由淋巴系统引流不良引起的。在Melkersson-Rosenthal综合征中,主要是管腔受累,组织细胞-上皮样细胞团伴有真皮肉芽肿和淋巴细胞阻塞淋巴通道。它是淋巴水肿的局部,无痛,无痒和无麻点形式。除眼睑外,该疾病还可引起唇部水肿,面神经麻痹和/或舌裂。它很少见,并且在眼科文献中很少受到关注,无论是完整的三联形式,还是更常见的是单症状形式。发病机理尚不十分清楚,也没有有效的治疗方法。作者描述了一个45岁的西班牙裔男子的梅尔森-罗森塔尔综合征病例,患有单侧上眼睑浮肿。眼睑活检标本的组织病理学和免疫组织化学评估显示,CD68 / 163阳性的组织细胞上皮样细胞的血管内和血管外簇。在表皮,真皮和轮状肌中发现了数量不等的大部分T淋巴细胞,并凭借相关的肉芽肿确定了Melkersson-Rosenthal综合征的诊断。 CD4辅助细胞和CD8抑制性T淋巴细胞平均代表。 CD20 B淋巴细胞极为稀疏。明显的CD1a阳性朗格汉斯细胞存在于表皮中,有时形成上皮下松散的聚集物,并且也掺入肉芽肿中。鉴别诊断包括痤疮酒渣鼻的更常见的情况。回顾了梅尔森-罗森塔尔综合征和一般性血管性水肿的治疗。



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