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Shell Holds Downstream Operations in Anticipation of Fuel Hike


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"We are operating retail outlets and we have not shut them. We would continue operating these otrtlets%ntfn ,. may not expand unless some policy changes are made," Vikram Singh Mehla, chairman of Shell India told newspersons on sidelines of a CII national conference. Mehta said he foresaw change as state-run oil-marketing companies were standing on the brink of financial chaos. "My hope is that government will allow companies to raise prices (of fuel). This is important because companies need to invest for expansion... Unless they do that we are going to face a crisis," Mehta explained. Government decontrolled petrol prices in June 2010. But, oil-marketing companies need government nod to change petrol prices. At present, IOC, BPCL and HPCL sell every litre of petrol at a loss of more than 7.
机译:壳牌印度董事长维克拉姆·辛格·梅拉(Cikh Mehla)在接受CII国民采访时对新闻记者说:“我们正在运营零售店,我们尚未关闭它们。我们将继续运营这些otrtlets%ntfn,除非做出一些政策上的改变,否则可能不会扩大。”会议。梅塔(Mehta)说,他预见到变革,因为国有石油销售公司正处于金融混乱的边缘。梅塔解释说:“我希望政府允许公司提高(燃料)价格。这很重要,因为公司需要投资进行扩张……除非​​他们这样做,否则我们将面临危机。”政府于2010年6月放宽了汽油价格。但是,石油销售公司需要政府点头来更改汽油价格。目前,IOC,BPCL和HPCL出售每升汽油的损失超过7。



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