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Securities Regulation: Fraud; Aiding and Abetting Liability


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In this part of the MDL action against various defendants relating to the Enron bankruptcy, various plaintiffs assert that Merrill Lynch is liable for aiding and abetting Enron's fraud under the Texas Securities Act (Tex.Rev.Civ.Stat. art. 581-33(F)(2)). Plaintiffs assert that Merrill knew, or should have known, that the sole purpose of the "Barge Transaction" was to enable Enron to falsify its reported financial condition. Several Merrill brokers had been convicted of criminal activities relating to this transaction. Merrill has also admitted responsibility for its employees' violations of the Securities Act. In order to establish aiding and abetting liability under the TSA, plaintiffs must first establish that there was a primary violation of the TSA by Enron. Merrill argues that Enron was not a "seller" under the TSA since it was entities like Merrill that actually sold the securities to the public at large. Only where there is a primary violation by the issuer or dealer which sold the issuer's commercial paper as issuer's alleged agent do you have a TSA violation. In this case, plaintiff was unable to plead that there was an agency relationship between the issuer and the dealer which absolves Merrill of liability under the TSA. Thus, the court grants partial summary judgment in favor of Merrill.
机译:在MDL针对与安然破产有关的各种被告的诉讼的这一部分中,各种原告主张美林证券应根据《德州证券法》(Tex.Rev.Civ.Stat。art。581-33( F)(2))。原告声称美林知道或应该知道“驳船交易”的唯一目的是使安然公司能够伪造其报告的财务状况。一些美林经纪人已被裁定与此项交易有关的犯罪活动。美林还承认了其员工违反《证券法》的责任。为了确定TSA中的协助和教liability责任,原告必须首先确定Enron主要违反了TSA。美林认为,安然不是TSA的“卖方”,因为实际上是像美林这样的实体实际上将证券出售给了公众。仅在发行人或交易商以发行人的据称代理人身份出售了发行人的商业票据的主要违法行为中,您才违反TSA。在这种情况下,原告无法辩称发行人与交易商之间存在代理关系,从而免除了美林根据TSA承担的责任。因此,法院批准了对部分美林公司的即决判决。



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