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Deeds: Rescission; Lesion Beyond Moiety


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On July 21, 2009, two plaintiffs executed a cash sale deed transferring ownership of their interests in property in two parishes, including timber and minerals, to defendants for the amount of $175,000. Six months later, the same two plaintiffs sold one of the two tracts (the Natchitoches Parish property) to a third plaintiff for $375,000. Vendors sought rescission of the sale of property for lesion beyond moiety, asserting that calculation of the value of the property for purposes of lesion should include the value of the unsevered mineral rights as long as the transaction is not a transfer of mineral rights alone, and to quiet title in the Natchitoches Parish property. Lesion beyond moiety is a civil law concept enabling the vendor of immovable property to rescind a sale where it can be shown that the purchase price did not equal at least one half of the true value of the property. La. Civ. Code arts. 1860-62 (1970).
机译:2009年7月21日,两名原告执行了一份现金出售契据,将其在两个教区的财产权益(包括木材和矿产)转让给被告,金额为17.5万美元。六个月后,相同的两个原告以375,000美元的价格将这两个区域之一(那奇托什教区的财产)卖给了第三位原告。卖方寻求撤销对超出部分的病变的财产的出售,声称针对病变目的的财产的价值计算应包括未分割的矿产权的价值,只要交易不单单是转让矿产权,并且到Natchitoches Parish物业的安静标题。超出部分的损害是一种民法概念,使不动产的卖方可以撤销出售,在这种情况下,可以证明购买价格不等于财产真实价值的至少一半。 La Civ。代码艺术。 1860-62(1970)。



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