首页> 外文期刊>Russian Agricultural Sciences >Formation of phytosanitary situation in agrocenoses of field crucifer crops

Formation of phytosanitary situation in agrocenoses of field crucifer crops


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Some changes in the interrelations between field crucifer crops and sprout pests and weed plants under the effect of nitrogen fertilizer and phytosanitary agents were studied. The problem of protecting plants from pests is urgent when developing technologies for growing field crucifer crops in the West Siberian region. A thorough, in-depth study of the interrelations of the main biocomponents of agrocenoses and a detailed analysis of the effect on them of external factors, including chemicalizationagents, are required for solving it. It is known that fertilizers and pesticides can cause substantial changes in the composition and structure of field communities due to shifts in the competitive and environment-forming capabilities of species. Such changes entail complex restructuring of biocenotic relations, they alter the hierarchy of mutual influences of plants and animals, which affects the growth, development, and productivity of cultivated plants.



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