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Pathoanatomical and blood biochemical investigations in chicks, challenged with Escherichia coli on the background of a pre-existing Eirneha infection


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Because of high frequencies of colibacillosis and coccidiosis in poultry and their eventual coexistence, this study was conducted for investigating plasma enzyme activities (ASAT, ALAT and ALP) in association with the severity of pathoanatomical findings in chickens with mono-infections (with E. coli or E. tenella only) or co-infection. For that, 160 broiler chickens were randomly divided into 4 equal groups according to the pathogen administration: birds from the group I (mono-infected) and from thegroup III (co-infected) were orally infected with 8.10^ sporulated E. tenella oocysts when they were 12 days old and E. coli (serotype 078, cfu) was intraperitoneally injected to chickens from the group II (mono-infected) and from the group III when they were 16 days old, whereas the group IV served as negative control group. Blood samples were collected and animals were slaughtered when they were 20 days old. Eimeria infected chickens exhibited haemorrhagic inflammatory lesions associated with dystrophic and necrotic processes principally in the caecum but also in liver and kidneys, in heart and in brain and cerebellum while in birds receiving E. coli, a fibrinous air-sacculitis, perihepatitis or pericarditis, and a gallbladder inflammation were alsonoticed and that in the case of mono-infection, caecum and brain lesions were absent. By contrast, all pathological findings were present and exacerbated in co-infected chickens. The plasma ASAT and ALAT activities were significantly increased in all infected chickens whereas ALP activities were significantly depressed in animals infected with E. coli. These changes were most prominent in birds co-infected. These results suggest that pre-invasion with E. tenella aggravates the colibacillosis and that this situation would be under-estimated in clinical practice.
机译:由于家禽中的大肠杆菌病和球虫病发病率很高,并且最终会共存,因此本研究旨在调查血浆酶活性(ASAT,ALAT和ALP),以及与单一感染(大肠杆菌)鸡的病理解剖学发现的严重程度有关。或仅大肠杆菌)。为此,根据病原体管理,将160只肉鸡随机分为4组:第I组(单感染)和第III组(共同感染)的家禽在感染时口服8.10 ^孢子化的大肠杆菌。分别为12天大和16天大时,分别给II组(单感染)和III组鸡腹膜内注射大肠杆菌(血清型078,cfu),而IV组为阴性对照组。收集血液样本,并在20天大时将动物屠宰。被艾美球虫感染的鸡表现出出血性炎性病变,与营养不良和坏死过程相关,主要发生在盲肠,但在肝脏和肾脏,心脏,脑和小脑中也是如此,而在接受大肠杆菌的禽类中,则出现纤维化球囊炎,肝炎或心包炎,以及还注意到了胆囊炎症,并且在单次感染的情况下,没有盲肠和脑部病变。相反,在合并感染的鸡中,所有病理结果均存在且加剧。所有感染鸡的血浆ASAT和ALAT活性均显着增加,而感染大肠杆菌的动物的ALP活性则显着降低。这些变化在共同感染的鸟类中最为明显。这些结果表明,预先侵染艾美球虫会加剧大肠杆菌病,这种情况在临床实践中将被低估。



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