首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Surgical staging in patients with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential.

Surgical staging in patients with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential.


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OBJECTIVE:To compare the outcomes of patients with ovarian tumors of low malignant potential who had complete surgical staging with those who were unstaged to determine whether the rate of recurrence or survival was affected by surgical staging.METHODS:A retrospective chart review was performed on 93 consecutive patients who had surgery for histologically confirmed tumors of low malignant potential between 1979 and 1997. Two cohorts of patients were identified: patients who had classic surgical staging (n = 48) versus those who were not staged (n = 45). Outcome data were recorded for patients and compared between the two groups.RESULTS:Early stage (I or II) disease was diagnosed in 31 of 48 patients who had surgical staging and 42 of 45 patients who were not staged (P =.001). In 17% of patients their stage was upgraded on the basis of surgical staging, as a result of retroperitoneal involvement in only 6% of those cases (three of 48 staged patients). During the study interval, the frozen section diagnosis of low malignant potential tumor of the ovary was changed to a final diagnosis of invasive cancer in eight other patients. There were three recurrences and two deaths in both the staged and unstaged low malignant potential groups. The average duration of follow-up was 6.5 +/- 4.2 years and was similar in the two groups. Overall 5-year survival was approximately 93% for all stages.CONCLUSION:Survival and recurrence rates were not significantly different between staged and unstaged patients who had surgery for low malignant potential tumors of the ovary.
机译:目的:比较具有完全手术分期的低恶性卵巢肿瘤患者和未分期的卵巢癌患者的结局,以确定复发率或存活率是否受手术分期的影响。方法:对93例患者进行回顾性图表回顾在1979年至1997年间接受组织学证实为低恶性肿瘤的手术的连续患者。确定了两组患者:进行经典手术分期的患者(n = 48)与未分期手术的患者(n = 45)。记录患者的结果数据并在两组之间进行比较。结果:在接受手术分期的48例患者中有31例被诊断为早期(I或II)疾病,未进行分期的45例患者中有42例被诊断为(P = .001)。在17%的患者中,由于手术后腹膜受累,只有6%的患者(48例分期的患者中有3例)根据手术分期进行了分期升级。在研究间隔期间,将冷冻的低卵巢潜在恶性肿瘤切片诊断更改为对另外八名患者的浸润性癌症的最终诊断。分期和非分期低恶性潜能组均发生3例复发和2例死亡。平均随访时间为6.5 +/- 4.2年,两组相似。所有阶段的总5年生存率约为93%。结论:接受低恶性卵巢潜在肿瘤手术的分阶段和未分阶段患者的生存率和复发率均无显着差异。



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