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We appreciate the interest by Le Ray and colleagues in our article. We agree that cesarean delivery during the second stage of labor owing to fetal malposition should be avoided if possible. However, we disagree that the "high" complication rates associated with Kielland's rotational forceps delivery mean that they no longer have a place in delivering fetuses with persistent malposition during the second stage of labor. We demonstrated there was no difference in rates of neonatal encephalopathy or neonatal unit admission after Kielland's rotational forceps delivery (0.7%; 3.3%) compared with nonrotational forceps (0.2%, P=.38; 6.1%, P=.25), ventouse (0.6%, 3.8%; both P>.99), and vaginal delivery (0.1%, P=A5; 3.7%, £>.99). Although, in experienced hands, manual rotation is reported to have a low failure rate of 10%,2 other studies report failure rates of up to 25%.3 In those cases in which manual rotation fails, delivery is usually by cesarean, which we showed had higher rates of postpartum hemorrhage and neonatal unit admission.
机译:我们感谢Le Ray及其同事对本文的关注。我们同意,如果可能,应避免在第二个分娩过程中因胎儿畸形而剖宫产。但是,我们不同意,与基尔兰氏旋转钳输送相关的“高”并发症发生率意味着在分娩的第二阶段中,它们不再具有输送持续定位不良的胎儿的地位。我们证明了在Kielland旋转镊子分娩后(0.7%; 3.3%)与非旋转镊子(0.2%,P = .38; 6.1%,P = .25),腹腔炎相比,新生儿脑病或新生儿入院率没有差异(0.6%,3.8%;均P> .99)和阴道分娩(0.1%,P = A5; 3.7%,£> .99)。尽管在有经验的双手中,据报道手动旋转的失败率很低,为10%2,其他研究报告的手动旋转失败率却高达25%3。在那些手动旋转失败的情况下,通常通过剖宫产进行分娩,我们显示出较高的产后出血和新生儿入院率。



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