首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrics and Gynecology: Journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists >Effectiveness of Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Prevention of Early-Onset Group B Streptococcal Disease

Effectiveness of Intrapartum Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Prevention of Early-Onset Group B Streptococcal Disease


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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effectiveness against early-onset group B streptococcal (GBS) disease of intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis among term and preterm deliveries, deliveries with fewer than 4 hours of antibiotics, and deliveries receiving clindamycin regimens. METHODS: We performed a secondary analysis of the Birthnet cohort, a survey of 7,691 births to residents of the Active Bacterial Core surveillance system from 2003 to 2004. We used propensity score matching on cova-riates associated with prophylaxis and early-onset GBS disease to evaluate the effectiveness (1-risk ratio) of specific intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis regimens against the disease end point. RESULTS: The effectiveness of 4 or more hours of prophylaxis with penicillin or ampicillin was high among term (91%, 95% confidence interval [CI] +63% to +98%) and preterm (86%, 95% CI +38% to +97%) neonates. Effectiveness was significantly lower for clindamycin (22%, 95% CI -53% to +60%). The effectiveness of 2 or fewer to fewer than 4 hours of prophylaxis with penicillin or ampicillin before delivery (47%, 95% CI -16% to +76%) and the effectiveness of prophylaxis with penicillin or ampicillin fewer than 2 hours before delivery (38%, 95% CI -17% to +67%) were both lower than the effectiveness of prophylaxis durations at 4 or more hours. CONCLUSION: Beta-lactam prophylaxis given 4 or more hours before delivery is highly effective for prevention of early-onset GBS disease. Prophylaxis of shorter durations or with clindamycin is less effective, reinforcing the need for health care providers to adhere to prevention recommendations, particularly for preterm deliveries, penicillin-allergic women, and neonates exposed to fewer than 4 hours of prophylaxis.
机译:目的:评估足月和早产,使用少于4小时抗生素的分娩以及接受克林霉素治疗的分娩期间预防产前抗生素的B组链球菌(GBS)早期发作的有效性。方法:我们对出生网队列进行了二次分析,该调查对2003年至2004年主动细菌核心监测系统居民的7 691例新生儿进行了调查。我们对与预防和早发性GBS疾病相关的卵形体使用倾向评分匹配评估针对疾病终点的特定产时抗生素预防方案的有效性(1-风险比)。结果:在足月(91%,95%置信区间[CI] + 63%至+ 98%)和早产(86%,95%CI + 38%)中,使用青霉素或氨苄西林预防4小时或更长时间的有效性较高至+ 97%)的新生儿。克林霉素的疗效显着降低(22%,95%CI -53%至+ 60%)。分娩前用青霉素或氨苄西林预防2小时或少于4小时的有效性(47%,95%CI -16%至+ 76%)和分娩前少于2小时用青霉素或氨苄西林预防的有效性(47%,95%CI -16%to + 76%) 38%,95%CI -17%至+ 67%)均低于4小时或更长时间预防时间的有效性。结论:分娩前4小时或更长时间预防β-内酰胺类药物对预防早发性GBS疾病非常有效。较短持续时间或克林霉素的预防效果较差,这增加了卫生保健提供者遵守预防建议的必要性,尤其是对于早产,青霉素过敏的妇女以及暴露时间少于4小时的新生儿。



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