首页> 外文期刊>Obstetrical and gynecological survey >The techniques of trocar insertion and intraoperative urethrocystoscopy in tension-free vaginal taping: an experience of 600 cases.

The techniques of trocar insertion and intraoperative urethrocystoscopy in tension-free vaginal taping: an experience of 600 cases.


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The author presents his experience with trocar insertion and urethrocystoscopy associated with the tension-free vaginal tape procedure (TVT). Over a 5-year period from November 1995 to March 2001, he performed TVT in 600 women with stress urinary incontinence with or without pelvic prolapse. All patients underwent preoperative urodynamic assessment. In addition, all patients had an intraoperative urethrocystoscopy to ascertain the integrity of the bladder and urethra. A concomitant procedure was performed in 169 (28%) cases. Of 188 women who had undergone previous pelvic surgery, 34 had procedures that posed a significant risk of ureteral injury. These patients were injected with 1% methylene blue solution before cystoscopy to confirm ureteral patency. The study population had a mean age of 53 years (range, 32-76 years) and a mean parity of 2.54 (range, 0-6). Of 270 (45%) women who were menopausal, 140 (51.9%) were taking hormone replacement therapy. Endoscopy findings included identification of 5 patients (0.8%) who had bladder perforation or near perforation that required reinsertion of the trocar. One woman had a biopsy of a benign granuloma. Sutures from a previous retropubic urethropexy were discovered in 1 patient and removed. Another subject required excision of an adhesion band in the urethra, which was placed during a previous excision of urethral diverticulum. A ureteral obstruction resulting from a previous laparoscopic Burch colposuspension was suggested by delayed dye emission in 1 of the 34 women who was injected with intravenous methylene blue dye. Ureteroscopy was performed and a stricture of the right distal ureter was identified and incised with electrocautery. A double-J catheter was inserted and left in place until a patent ureter was established.
机译:作者介绍了他的套管针插入术和与无张力阴道带手术(TVT)相关的尿道膀胱镜检查的经验。从1995年11月到2001年3月的5年时间里,他对600例有或没有骨盆脱垂的压力性尿失禁的妇女进行了TVT。所有患者均接受术前尿动力学评估。此外,所有患者均在术中进行了尿道膀胱镜检查,以确认膀胱和尿道的完整性。 169例(28%)病例同时进行。在先前接受过骨盆手术的188名妇女中,有34名进行了输尿管损伤的危险手术。这些患者在进行膀胱镜检查之前注射了1%亚甲蓝溶液,以确认输尿管通畅。研究人群的平均年龄为53岁(范围为32-76岁),平均均价为2.54(范围为0-6)。在270名(45%)的更年期妇女中,有140名(51.9%)正在接受激素替代疗法。内窥镜检查发现包括5例(0.8%)膀胱穿孔或接近穿孔的患者,这些患者需要重新插入套管针。一名妇女对良性肉芽肿进行了活检。在一名患者中发现了先前耻骨后尿道穿刺术的缝合线并将其移除。另一名受试者需要切除尿道粘连带,该粘连带是在先前切除尿道憩室时放置的。注射腹腔注射亚甲蓝染料的34名女性中有1名延迟放出染料,提示先前使用腹腔镜Burch阴道镜引起的输尿管阻塞。进行输尿管镜检查,并鉴定右远端输尿管狭窄并进行电灼切开。插入双J导管并留在原处,直到建立了输尿管。



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