首页> 外文期刊>Obst-und Weinbau >A new American wine pest in canton Tessin.Original Title Neuer amerikanischer Rebschadling im Tessin.

A new American wine pest in canton Tessin.Original Title Neuer amerikanischer Rebschadling im Tessin.


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The American leaf miner Phyllocnistis vitegenella was detected for the first time in Switzerland in 2009 on the vineyards of Mendrisiotto, canton Ticino (Tessin). The first European recording was in the Italian region of Venetia in 1994. It is now recorded all over northern Italy, southern Italy (Apulia) and Slovakia. The small insect, 3 mm long, produces 3-4 generations in the Italian climate. The progression into Switzerland is considered only slow, however the Swiss research station ACW Changis-Wadenswil has decided to start a close monitoring programme. Establishing the risk for leaf damage and grape quality will also be included in the research. The chemical control of Phyllocnistis vitegenella under Swiss conditions is difficult because of the moth's lifecycle and no listed sprays. Biological control is more promising and Italian experience has shown that indigenous parasites are attacking the American leaf miner, however not yet in numbers large enough to control the population during a large-scale infestation.
机译:2009年,在提契诺州(Tessin)的门德里西托(Mendrisiotto)葡萄园首次在瑞士发现了美国的叶肉leaf(Phyllocnistis vitegenella )。欧洲的第一张唱片是1994年在威尼斯地区的意大利地区录制的。现在,该唱片在意大利北部,意大利南部(普利亚)和斯洛伐克各地进行了录制。这种小昆虫长3毫米,在意大利气候下可繁殖3-4代。进入瑞士的进程仅被认为是缓慢的,但是瑞士研究中心ACW Changis-Wadenswil已决定启动一项紧密的监测计划。确定叶片受损和葡萄品质的风险也将包括在研究中。由于飞蛾的生命周期而且没有列出的喷雾剂,因此在瑞士条件下很难控制 locphinistis vitegenella 。生物防治的前景更为广阔,意大利的经验表明,土著寄生虫正在袭击美国的采叶机,但数量还不足以在大规模侵染期间控制种群。



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