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A potential RNA drug target in the hepatitis C virus internal ribosomal entry site


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Subdomain IIId from the hepatitis C virus (HCV) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) has been shown to be essential for cap-independent translation. We have conducted a structural study of a 27-nt fragment, identical in sequence to IIId, to explore the structural features of this subdomain, The proposed secondary structure of IIId is comprised of two 3 bp helical regions separated by an internal loop and closed at one end by a 6-nt terminal loop. NMR and molecular modeling were used interactively to formulate a validated model of the three-dimensional structure of IIId. We found that this fragment contains several noncanonical structural motifs and non-Watson-Crick base pairs, some of which are common to other RNAs, In particular, a motif characteristic of the rRNA alpha -sarcin/ricin loop was located in the internal loop. The terminal loop, 5'-UUGGGU, was found to fold to form a trinucleotide loop closed by a trans-wobble U(.)G base pair. The sixth nucleotide was bulged out to allow stacking of this U(.)G pair on the adjacent helical region. In vivo mutational analysis in the context of the full IRES confirmed the importance of each structural motif within IIId for IRES function. These findings may provide clues as to host cellular proteins that play a role in IRES-directed translation and, in particular, the mechanism through which host ribosomes are sequestered for viral function. [References: 36]
机译:丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)内部核糖体进入位点(IRES)的亚域IIId已显示对于不依赖帽的翻译至关重要。我们已经进行了一个与IIId序列相同的27 nt片段的结构研究,以探索该亚结构域的结构特征。拟议的IIId二级结构由两个3 bp螺旋区组成,这些螺旋区由一个内部环隔开并在一端通过6 nt终端回路。核磁共振和分子建模被用来交互地建立一个IIId三维结构的验证模型。我们发现该片段包含几个非规范的结构基序和非Watson-Crick碱基对,其中一些是其他RNA共有的,特别是rRNAα-sarcin / ricin环的特征性基序位于内部环中。发现末端环5'-UUGGGU折叠形成三核苷酸环,由反摆U(。)G碱基对封闭。突出第六个核苷酸,以允许该U(。)G对堆叠在相邻的螺旋区域上。在完整的IRES背景下的体内突变分析证实了IIId内每个结构基序对于IRES功能的重要性。这些发现可能为宿主细胞蛋白提供线索,这些蛋白在IRES指导的翻译中发挥作用,尤其是隔离宿主核糖体以发挥病毒功能的机制。 [参考:36]



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