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Information-seeking behavior and use of social science faculty studying stateless nations: a case study


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The information-seeking behavior of social science faculty studying the Kurds was assessed using a questionnaire, citation analysis, and follow-up inquiry. Two specific questions were addressed: how these faculty locate relevant government information and what factors influence their seeking behavior and use of such information. Results show that besides using traditional methods for locating relevant government information, social science faculty studying the Kurds use the World Wide Web (Web) and electronic mail (e-mail) for that purpose, suggesting that these faculty are aware of, and utilize, new information technology to support their research. Results also show that the information-seeking behavior of social science faculty studying the Kurds is influenced by factors similar to those influencing other social science faculty. Moreover, results also show that accessing the needed materials is a major information-seeking activity that should be added to David Ellis' behavioral model, and that faculty examined here employ somewhat a more elaborate "differentiating" information-seeking activity than the one described in the model. Some elements of interdisciplinarity of Kurdish studies as a field of research have been discovered, however, further research is required to verify that. Implications for library services and suggestions for future research are presented.
机译:使用问卷,引文分析和后续调查评估了研究库尔德人的社会科学院教师的信息寻求行为。解决了两个具体问题:这些教师如何找到相关的政府信息以及哪些因素影响他们的寻求行为和对此类信息的使用。结果表明,除了使用传统的方法来查找相关的政府信息外,研究库尔德人的社会科学学院还为此目的使用了万维网(Web)和电子邮件(e-mail),这表明这些学院知道并利用了:新的信息技术来支持他们的研究。结果还表明,研究库尔德人的社会科学系的信息寻求行为受到与影响其他社会科学系的因素类似的因素的影响。此外,结果还表明,访问所需的材料是一项主要的信息寻求活动,应添加到David Ellis的行为模型中,并且与此处所描述的相比,此处所研究的教师在某种程度上采用了更为复杂的“差异化”信息寻求活动。该模型。库尔德研究作为研究领域的跨学科性的一些要素已经被发现,但是,需要进一步的研究来证实这一点。提出了对图书馆服务的影响和对未来研究的建议。



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