首页> 外文期刊>Respiratory physiology & neurobiology >Ventilatory acclimatization in awake guinea pigs raised at high altitude.

Ventilatory acclimatization in awake guinea pigs raised at high altitude.


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To determine if laboratory strains of guinea pigs bred at sea level (SL) are "pre-adapted" to high altitude (HA), we raised litter-matched weanling Hartley guinea pigs for 4 months at SL, intermediate altitude (IA, 1250 m) or HA (3800 m) and exposed them acutely to 100, 21 and 12% inspired O2 at their respective altitude of residence. Control animals raised at SL were also exposed acutely to 10 and 8% inspired O2. In awake spontaneously breathing guinea pigs raised at SL, resting minute ventilation and tidal volume increased significantly when inspired O2 tension fell below about 60 mm Hg. In guinea pigs raised at IA or HA, ventilation was higher at any given inspired O2 tension in direct relationship to the altitude of residence. Resting hematocrit was also higher in animals raised at HA than at SL. We conclude that the pattern of ventilatory acclimatization to HA exposure in Hartley guinea pigs is similar to that in laboratory rats and human lowlanders; therefore laboratory guinea pigs are not pre-adapted and are suitable animals for the study of adaptation to high altitude.
机译:为了确定在海平面(SL)上繁殖的豚鼠实验室菌株是否“预先适应”了高海拔(HA),我们在中海拔(IA,1250 m )或HA(3800 m),并将它们分别在其居住高度分别暴露于100%,21%和12%吸入的O2中。在SL饲养的对照动物也急性暴露于10和8%的O2中。在SL醒来的自然呼吸的豚鼠中,当吸入的O2张力降至约60 mm Hg以下时,静息分钟通气量和潮气量显着增加。在IA或HA饲养的豚鼠中,在任何给定的吸入O2张力下,通气都较高,这与居住海拔高度直接相关。 HA饲养的动物的静息血细胞比容也比SL高。我们得出的结论是,Hartley豚鼠的HA适应性通风适应的模式与实验室大鼠和人类低地动物相似。因此,实验室豚鼠没有预先适应,而是适合研究高海拔适应性的动物。



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