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Influence of temperature during irradiation on the structure of latent track in polycarbonate


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Stacks consisting of several layers of polycarbonate foils 10 pm thick were irradiated with U, Sm and Ni ions at the UNILAC (GSI, Darmstadt) and with Kr ions from the U-400 cyclotron (JINR, Dubna). The energy of the ions varied from 1 to 11 MeV/u. The irradiation with each ion species was performed at room temperature (RT) and at low temperatures (80 K or 15 K). The irradiated samples were etched with aqueous NaOH solutions in a conductometric cell. The effective pore diameter as a function of the etching time was calculated assuming cylindrical geometry of the etched out channels. The conductometric curve consisted of three parts which we identified as the track core, track halo and bulk etching. Radii of both track core and halo increased with increasing ion mass, and were consistent with the power-law energy-loss dependence. The size of the track core was found to not depend on the temperature during irradiation. Since this result was obtained in experiments performed at two different accelerator facilities and with four different projectiles of various energies, it can be considered as the one of high confidence level. In contrast, the radius of the halo tended to decrease with decreasing irradiation temperatures. However, reproducibility of the track halo radius estimates was quite poor which might be caused by some uncontrolled experimental factors influencing post-irradiation chemical reactions.
机译:在UNILAC(GSI,达姆施塔特)用U,Sm和Ni离子辐照,并用U-400回旋加速器的Jr离子(JINR,Dubna)辐照由10微米厚的几层聚碳酸酯箔组成的叠层。离子的能量从1到11 MeV / u不等。在室温(RT)和低温(80 K或15 K)下进行每种离子物种的照射。在电导池中用NaOH水溶液蚀刻被辐照的样品。假定蚀刻出的通道为圆柱几何形状,计算有效孔径与蚀刻时间的关系。电导曲线由三个部分组成,我们将其确定为磁道核心,磁道晕迹和体蚀刻。轨道核心和晕的半径均随离子质量的增加而增加,并且与幂律能量损耗的依赖性相符。发现轨道芯的尺寸不依赖于照射期间的温度。由于此结果是在两个不同的加速器装置和四个具有不同能量的弹丸进行的实验中获得的,因此可以将其视为高置信度水平之一。相反,随着照射温度的降低,光晕的半径趋于减小。但是,轨道光晕半径估计值的可重复性非常差,这可能是由一些影响辐照后化学反应的不受控制的实验因素引起的。



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