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FSUsion track estimation of uranium concentrations in liquid homeopathic medicine samples


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The ingestion of excessive amount of uranium in homeopathic medicines can damage human's kidneys by preventing normal elimination of urea and other waste products and can cause renal dysfunction. Quantitative determination of uranium in medicines SU, therefore, very important. FSUsion track technique has been applied for the estimation of uranium concentration in homeopathic medicine samples collected from local market. The technique involved simultaneous irradiation of medicine samples and a standard, in contact with track detectors, with thermal neutrons and counting of the fSUsion tracks produced in the detectors as a reSUlt of (n, f) nuclear reaction. Uranium concentration in the medicine samples varied from (0.003 +/- 0.001) mg L-1 to (0.297 +/- 0.010) mg L-1 with an average value of (0.020 +/- 0.001) mg L-1. The observed concentrations were less than the permSUsible intake level of uranium. So, general public SU at no rSUk while using these medicines for treatment purposes.
机译:顺势疗法药物摄入过量的铀可通过阻止尿素和其他废物的正常清除而损害人的肾脏,并可能导致肾功能障碍。因此,定量测定SU中的铀非常重要。 FSUsion跟踪技术已用于估算从当地市场收集的顺势疗法药物样品中的铀浓度。该技术涉及用热中子同时照射药物样品和标准品,并与轨道检测器接触,并通过热中子计数,并计算检测器中产生的fSUsion轨道,作为(n,f)核反应的结果。药物样品中的铀浓度从(0.003 +/- 0.001)mg L-1到(0.297 +/- 0.010)mg L-1不等,平均值为(0.020 +/- 0.001)mg L-1。观察到的浓度低于铀的合理摄入量。因此,将这些药物用于治疗目的的普通公众SU无需付费。



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