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Picosecond excitonic luminescence in ZnO and other wide-gap semiconductors


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Radiative lifetimes of free-atom transitions, scaled by omega(3) for comparison at 368 nm, are not faster than about 6.9 ns. BaF2 core-valence luminescence, scaled in the same way from 220 to 368 nm, corresponds to 4.1 ns. In contrast, excitonic transitions in wide-gap semiconductors display subnanosecond radiative lifetimes, and in particular ZnO has radiative lifetimes measured at 50-300 ps for Ddegrees,X and 400-900 ps for free excitons. The "giant oscillator strength" corresponding to these lifetimes can be explained by theories developed initially for defect-bound excitons, then quantum wells, and nanoparticles. An exciton is a coherent array of N dipoles, where N is the number of sites covered by coherent translational motion of the exciton. This is not essentially a phenomenon of multiple excitons, but applies as well to single-exciton decay. It differs in that regard from the more familiar Dicke giant dipole of N coherently excited atoms lacking translational periodicity. The phenomenon suggests possibilities for achieving ultrafast scintillators and high light yield. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:游离原子跃迁的辐射寿命(由omega(3)缩放,用于在368 nm处进行比较)不快于6.9 ns。 BaF2核心价发光(以相同的方式从220 nm缩放至368 nm)对应于4.1 ns。相比之下,宽禁带半导体中的激子跃迁显示出亚纳秒的辐射寿命,尤其是ZnO的D寿命,X的辐射寿命为50-300 ps,自由激子的辐射寿命为400-900 ps。对应于这些寿命的“巨振子强度”可以通过最初为缺陷结合的激子,然后是量子阱和纳米粒子开发的理论来解释。激子是N个偶极子的相干阵列,其中N是激子的相干平移运动所覆盖的位点数。这本质上不是多种激子的现象,但也适用于单激子衰减。在这方面,它与缺乏平移周期性的N相干激发原子的更熟悉的Dicke巨偶极子不同。这种现象表明实现超快闪烁体和高光产量的可能性。 (C)2004 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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