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Diffusion of Some Critical Radionuclides in Mineral-Like Ceramic Materials


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The diffusion coefficients and activation energy of diffusion of ~(22)Na, ~(90)Sr, ~(152)Eu, and ~(241)Am radionuclides in zirconolite ceramics prepared by cold crucible induction melting (CCIM), of ~(22)Na, ~(90)Sr, ~(137)Cs, ~(152)Eu, and ~(241)Am in Synroc-C ceramics prepared by hot pressing (HP) and CCIM, and of ~(22)Na and ~(152)Eu in the ceramic from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (the United States), synthesized by cold pressing (CP) and sintering, and also the diffusion mobility of ~(90)Sr, ~(137)Cs, and ~(241)Am in the chromium-containing sphene glass ceramic prepared by CCIM were determined by the method of integral residual activity. In the temperature interval 573-923 K, the ~(22)Na radionuclide is the most mobile and ~(241)Am is the least mobile. The differences between the diffusion coefficients reach 4-5 orders of magnitude. The diffusion coefficients of the examined radionuclides in the ceramic depend both on the preparation procedure (HP, CP, or CCIM) and on the initial charge components when the same procedure is used for preparing the ceramic. Negative values of the activation entropy of the diffusion of ~(22)Na, ~(90)Sr, ~(152)Eu, and ~(241)Am in ceramics suggest that the mass transfer of radionuclides in them occurs not by the vacancy mechanism but by the interstitial mechanism and, probably, in part along the facilitated migration pathways (grain boundaries, pore surfaces, micro- and macrocracks).
机译:〜(22)Na,〜(90)Sr,〜(152)Eu和〜(241)Am放射性核素在冷坩埚感应熔炼(CCIM)制备的锆石陶瓷中的扩散系数和扩散活化能通过热压(HP)和CCIM制备的Synroc-C陶瓷中的22)Na,〜(90)Sr,〜(137)Cs,〜(152)Eu和〜(241)Am和〜(22)Na美国劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)陶瓷中的〜(152)Eu,通过冷压(CP)和烧结合成,以及〜(90)Sr,〜(137)Cs和采用积分剩余活性法测定了CCIM制得的含铬镜面玻璃陶瓷中的〜(241)Am。在573-923 K的温度范围内,〜(22)Na放射性核素活动性最高,〜(241)Am活动性最低。扩散系数之间的差异达到4-5个数量级。当使用相同的程序制备陶瓷时,所检查的放射性核素在陶瓷中的扩散系数既取决于制备程序(HP,CP或CCIM),又取决于初始电荷成分。陶瓷中〜(22)Na,〜(90)Sr,〜(152)Eu和〜(241)Am扩散的活化熵的负值表明,放射性核素在其中的传质不是通过空位发生的机制,但可能是通过间隙机制,部分可能是沿着便利的迁移途径(晶界,孔表面,微裂纹和大裂纹)。



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