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Prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in patients with airways disease.


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BACKGROUND: Case reports and case series have suggested an association between inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and airways disease, but there are no data demonstrating a higher prevalence of IBD among patients with airways disease. Furthermore, no consistent radiological, pulmonary or pathological abnormalities have been demonstrated in patients with both conditions. AIMS: To determine the prevalence of IBD among patients with airways disease and to evaluate clinical and pathophysiological features. METHODS: A retrospective analysis of outpatients with airways disease over a 10-year period. RESULTS: IBD was four times more prevalent among patients with airways disease compared with published local IBD prevalence [Odds Ratio 4.26, 95% CI 1.48, 11.71, p=0.006; Crohn's disease OR 5.96, 95% CI 1.94, 18.31, p=0.002 and ulcerative colitis OR 4.21, 95% CI 1.71, 10.41, p=0.001]. IBD was more frequent in all types of airways disease except asthma; the association was particularly strong for conditions associated with productive cough. All except 1 patient had established IBD before the onset of respiratory symptoms. There were no obvious radiological differences between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease cases. There was a trend for a higher lymphocyte count (despite a tendency to lower blood lymphocyte count) but lower sputum neutrophil count in patients with Crohn's disease compared with ulcerative colitis. There were no significant differences in physiological measurements of pulmonary function between the two types of IBD. CONCLUSION: Our findings support an association between airways disease and inflammatory bowel disease, particularly non-asthmatic airways disease with productive cough.
机译:背景:病例报告和病例系列表明炎症性肠病(IBD)与气道疾病之间存在关联,但尚无数据表明气道疾病患者中IBD的患病率较高。此外,在两种情况下均未显示出一致的放射,肺或病理学异常。目的:确定气道疾病患者中IBD的患病率,并评估其临床和病理生理特征。方法:回顾性分析10年来患有气道疾病的门诊患者。结果:与已发表的局部IBD患病率相比,气道疾病患者中IBD的患病率高四倍[几率4.26,95%CI 1.48,11.71,p = 0.006;克罗恩氏病OR 5.96,95%CI 1.94,18.31,p = 0.002,溃疡性结肠炎OR 4.21,95%CI 1.71,10.41,p = 0.001]。除哮喘外,IBD在所有类型的气道疾病中更为常见。对于与生产性咳嗽有关的疾病,这种联系尤其强烈。除1名患者外,所有患者在呼吸道症状发作之前均已建立IBD。溃疡性结肠炎与克罗恩病病例之间无明显的放射学差异。与溃疡性结肠炎相比,克罗恩病患者的淋巴细胞计数呈上升趋势(尽管血液淋巴细胞计数呈下降趋势),但痰中嗜中性粒细胞计数却呈下降趋势。两种IBD之间的肺功能生理测量值无显着差异。结论:我们的发现支持气道疾病和炎症性肠病之间的联系,特别是非哮喘性气道疾病与生产性咳嗽之间的联系。



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