首页> 外文期刊>Retina >Vitrectomy for floaters: Prospective efficacy analyses and retrospective safety profile

Vitrectomy for floaters: Prospective efficacy analyses and retrospective safety profile


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PURPOSE:: Floaters impact vision but the mechanism is unknown. We hypothesize that floaters reduce contrast sensitivity function, which can be normalized by vitrectomy, and that minimally invasive vitrectomy will have lower incidences of retinal tears (reported at 30%) and cataracts (50-76%). METHODS:: Seventy-six eyes (34 phakic) with floaters were evaluated in 2 separate studies. Floater etiologies were primarily posterior vitreous detachment in 61 of 76 eyes (80%) and myopic vitreopathy in 24 of 76 eyes (32%). Minimally invasive 25G vitrectomy was performed without posterior vitreous detachment induction, leaving anterior vitreous, and using nonhollow probes for cannula extraction. Efficacy was studied prospectively (up to 9 months) in 16 floater cases with Freiburg Acuity Contrast Testing (Weber index [%W] reproducibility = 92.1%) and the National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire. Safety was separately evaluated in 60 other cases followed up on an average of 17.5 months (range, 3-51 months). RESULTS:: Floater eyes had 67% contrast sensitivity function attenuation (4.0 ± 2.3 %W; control subjects = 2.4 ± 0.9 %W, P < 0.013). After vitrectomy, contrast sensitivity function normalized in each case at 1 week (2.0 ± 1.4 %W, P < 0.01) and remained normal at 1 month (2.0 ± 1.0 %W, P < 0.003) and 3 months to 9 months (2.2 ± 1.5 %W, P < 0.018). Visual Function Questionnaire was 28.3% lower in floater patients (73.2 ± 15.6, N = 16) than in age-matched control subjects (93.9 ± 8.0, N = 12, P < 0.001), and postoperatively improved by 29.2% (P < 0.001). In the safety study of 60 floater cases treated with vitrectomy, none developed retinal breaks, infection, or glaucoma after a mean follow-up of 17.5 months. Only 8 of 34 cases (23.5%) required cataract surgery (none younger than 53 years) at an average of 15 months postvitrectomy. CONCLUSION:: Floaters lower contrast sensitivity function, which normalizes after vitrectomy. Visual Function Questionnaire quantified improvement in satisfaction. Not inducing posterior vitreous detachment reduced retinal tear incidence from 30% to 0% (P < 0.007). Postvitrectomy cataract incidence was reduced from 50% to 23.5% (P < 0.02). This approach thus seems effective and safe in alleviating the visual dysfunction induced by floaters.
机译:用途:漂浮物会影响视力,但机理尚不清楚。我们假设漂浮物会降低对比敏感度功能,可以通过玻璃体切除术使之正常化,并且微创玻璃体切除术的视网膜撕裂(报道为30%)和白内障的发生率较低(50-76%)。方法:在两个独立的研究中评估了具有漂浮物的76只眼(34个晶状体)。漂浮物的病因主要是76眼中的61眼(80%)的玻璃体后脱离和76眼中的24眼(32%)的近视性玻璃体病。微创25G玻璃体切除术无需进行玻璃体后脱离诱导,而保留玻璃体前部,并使用非空心探针进行套管拔除。通过弗莱堡视力对比测试(Weber指数[%W]重现性= 92.1%)和美国国家眼科研究所视觉功能问卷对前瞻性研究(长达9个月)的16例漂浮病例进行了研究。在另外60例病例中分别评估了安全性,平均随访17.5个月(范围3-51个月)。结果:浮眼的对比敏感度功能衰减为67%(4.0±2.3%W;对照组= 2.4±0.9%W,P <0.013)。玻璃体切除术后,对比敏感度功能在每种情况下均在1周(2.0±1.4%W,P <0.01)正常化,在1个月(2.0±1.0%W,P <0.003)和3个月至9个月(2.2± 1.5%W,P <0.018)。流动患者的视觉功能问卷(73.2±15.6,N = 16)比年龄相匹配的对照组(93.9±8.0,N = 12,P <0.001)低28.3%,术后改善29.2%(P <0.001 )。在60例接受玻璃体切除术治疗的漂浮患者的安全性研究中,平均随访17.5个月后,没有一例发生视网膜破裂,感染或青光眼。 34例中只有8例(23.5%)平均需要在玻璃体切除术后15个月进行白内障手术(年龄不超过53岁)。结论:浮游生物降低了对比敏感度功能,玻璃体切除术后正常。视觉功能问卷量化了满意度的提高。不诱导玻璃体后脱离将视网膜撕裂发生率从30%降低到0%(P <0.007)。玻璃体切除术后白内障发生率从50%降低至23.5%(P <0.02)。因此,这种方法在减轻由漂浮物引起的视觉功能障碍方面似乎是有效和安全的。



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