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Characteristics, outcomes, and prognostic indicators of fall-related open globe injuries


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PURPOSE: To describe characteristics and outcomes of fall-related open globe (OG) injuries. METHODS: A total of 602 patients (603 eyes) presenting with OG injuries were included. Among them, 85 wounds (85 patients) were fall-related, which were compared with the nonfall-related OG injuries (control group). RESULTS: The mean patient age in the fall group was 65.8 years, which was higher than the control population (35.8 years; P < 0.001). Most of the fall-related injuries occurred in women (58.8%). The most common zone injured in both groups was Zone I (38.8% and 46% in the fall and control group, respectively). Compared with the control group, patients with fall-related OG injuries had a worse visual acuity on admission and at final visit (P < 0.001). The authors performed regression analysis to characterize factors associated with developing no light perception and need for enucleation. Injuries involving Zone III and presenting vision of no light perception were associated with a higher rate of no light perception. Similarly, patients presenting with no light perception were more likely to undergo enucleation, eventually. CONCLUSION: Fall-related OG injuries can lead to severe ocular morbidity especially in the elderly patients. They carry a worse visual prognosis compared with other injuries, which emphasizes on the importance of protective measures in this population.
机译:目的:描述跌倒相关的开放性眼球(OG)损伤的特征和结果。方法:总共纳入602例OG损伤患者(603只眼)。其中,与跌倒相关的OG损伤(对照组)有85处伤口(85例)与跌倒相关。结果:秋季组的平均患者年龄为65.8岁,高于对照组(35.8岁; P <0.001)。大多数与跌倒有关的伤害发生在女性中(58.8%)。两组中最常见的受伤区域是I区(秋季组和对照组分别为38.8%和46%)。与对照组相比,摔倒相关的OG损伤患者入院时和最终访视时的视力较差(P <0.001)。作者进行了回归分析,以表征与没有光感和需要摘除有关的因素。涉及III区并呈现无光感知力的伤害与无光感知率更高相关。同样,没有光感的患者最终更容易摘除眼球。结论:摔倒相关的OG损伤可导致严重的眼病,尤其是在老年患者中。与其他伤害相比,他们的视觉预后更差,这强调了保护措施对该人群的重要性。



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