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Studies on genetic divergence and isozyme variability in rice (Oryza sativa L.)


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Fifty-four elite gei mplasm lines being maintained at Agricultural Research Station, Nellore were evaluated for their genetic diversity with regards to yield, yield components and quality trails. The genotypes were classified into nine clusters, basedon Mahalanobis D~2 statistic. Geographical and genetic diversity were observed to be unrelated, as genotypes from diverse geographical regions were placed in the same cluster, while genotypes from the same centre were grouped into different clusters. Results on inter-cluster distances revealed maximum diversity between genotypes of clusters IV and VIII, Intra-cluster distance was maximum for cluster V, indicating the existence of variability within the cluster. A perusal of the results on cluster meansrevealed greater yield, number of grains per panicle, panicle length, plant height and days to 50% flowering for cluster IV, indicating the desirability of genotypes from the cluster for improvement of grain yield and the above yield components. Further, plant height and days to 50% flowering, together accounted for 82.04% of the total genetic divergence, indicating their importance in the choice of parents for hybridization programmes. Studies on isozyme variability of the nine best performing genotypes, obtained from each of the nine clusters, classified on the basis of Mahalanobis D~2 statistic confirmed their genetic diversity. The genotypes were distinguished based on presence, absence or intensity of the seven peroxidase and five esterase bandsobtained in the gel electrophoretic studies.
机译:在产量,产量构成和质量指标方面,对在内罗尔农业研究站维持的54个优良种质品系进行了遗传多样性评估。根据Mahalanobis D〜2统计量,将基因型分为九类。观察到地理和遗传多样性无关,因为来自不同地理区域的基因型被放置在同一集群中,而来自同一中心的基因型被分为不同的集群。群集间距离的结果显示,群集IV和群集VIII的基因型之间存在最大差异,群集V的群集内距离最大,表明群集内存在变异性。对簇的结果进行细读意味着对于簇IV揭示了更高的产量,每穗的谷粒数量,穗长,株高和开花至50%开花的天数,表明希望从簇中获得基因型以提高谷物产量和上述产量成分。此外,植物高度和50%开花的天数占总遗传差异的82.04%,表明它们在选择杂交计划的亲本中很重要。从Mahalanobis D〜2统计量分类的9个簇中的每一个获得的9个表现最好的基因型的同工酶变异性研究证实了它们的遗传多样性。根据在凝胶电泳研究中获得的七个过氧化物酶和五个酯酶带的存在,不存在或强度来区分基因型。



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