首页> 外文期刊>Lithos: An International Journal of Mineralogy, Petrology, and Geochemistry >The East Variscan Shear Zone: Geochronological constraints from the Capo Ferro area (NE Sardinia, Italy)

The East Variscan Shear Zone: Geochronological constraints from the Capo Ferro area (NE Sardinia, Italy)


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The exhumation of the Variscan High Grade Metamorphic Complex of Sardinia was driven by large-scale asymmetric shear zones which reached middle crustal levels at 325 ±1.3 (U-Pb, monazite) Ma. Exhumation was accompanied by heating and partial melting. The migmatization process was followed by the emplacement of syntectonic granites dated with U-Pb on zircon at 318 ± 3 Ma and 317 ± 2 Ma, which produced contact meta-morphismat315 ± 13 Ma (U-Pb, monazite) in mylonitic Silurian orthogneisses. The NW-SEdextral shear zone of the Capo Ferro area (NE Sardinia) is affected by partial melting, by granite emplacement and shows remarkable petrotectonic analogies to, and can thus be related to the East Variscan Shear Zone, a major intra-continental shear zone which was active in the southern European Variscides from 325 Ma to 315 Ma and that has been precisely dated with the U-Pb monazite system. The emplacement of migmatitic gneisses along large shear zones within this time interval is not restricted to Sardinia, but has also been observed in southern Corsica, in the French Massif Central, in the Western Alps and in central Spain. This pattern of shear zones is related to a complex geodynamic scenario, linked to the oblique convergence of the Gondwana and Laurussia plates during the Middle-Upper Carboniferous.
机译:撒丁岛瓦里斯坎高品位变质复合体的发掘是由大规模的不对称剪切带驱动的,该剪切带在325±1.3 Ma(U-Pb,独居石)Ma达到了中地壳水平。挖掘时伴有加热和部分熔化。迁移过程之后,在锆石上以318±3 Ma和317±2 Ma放置了日期为U-Pb的同构花岗岩,这在茂盛的志留纪正长片麻岩中以315±13 Ma(U-Pb,独居石)产生了接触变质作用。 Capo Ferro地区(NE撒丁岛)的西北向剪切带受部分融化,花岗岩侵位的影响,显示出明显的岩石构造类比,因此可能与东瓦里斯安剪切带(大陆主要的大陆剪切带)有关它活跃在欧洲南部从325 Ma到315 Ma的Variscides中,并且精确地记载了U-Pb独居石系统。在此时间间隔内,大片麻岩在大剪切带上的分布不仅限于撒丁岛,而且在科西嘉南部,法国地块中部,西阿尔卑斯山和西班牙中部也有观察到。剪切带的这种模式与复杂的地球动力学情景有关,与中上石炭统冈瓦纳和月桂板块的倾斜汇聚有关。



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