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SAFETY FIRST: Mondo's rubber flooring offers exceptional safety standards and is available in a wide range of colours and thicknesses


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THE SAFETY aspect of flooring is of primary concern in the transport sector. While flooring is particularly important on city buses where the floor surface can cover up to 30m{sup}2, they are even more vital on railway and underground cars where it increases up to a possible 60m{sup}2 per rail-car. The main safety factor is for the flooring to be fireproof, and the fumes released must not contain any corrosive or toxic gases, meeting the international approvals standards wherever used. As a major supplier of rubber flooring to the transport industry, Mondo's products meet all of these standards. The products can be found in many major cities and towns around the world, meeting all the technical requirements of transport operators in places such as Rome, Berlin, Tokyo, New York, London, Madrid, Helsinki, Beijing, Nanchin, Shanghai and Seoul.
机译:地板的安全性是运输领域的首要考虑。尽管地板在城市公交车上的地面尤为重要,因为地面的最大覆盖面积为30m {sup} 2,但在铁路和地下车辆上尤为重要,因为铁路和地下车辆的地面可能会增加到60m {sup} 2。主要安全因素是地板要防火,所散发的烟雾不得含有任何腐蚀性或有毒气体,无论在何处使用均符合国际认可标准。作为运输行业橡胶地板的主要供应商,蒙多的产品符合所有这些标准。该产品遍布全球许多主要城镇,可满足罗马,柏林,东京,纽约,伦敦,马德里,赫尔辛基,北京,南辰,上海和汉城等地的运输运营商的所有技术要求。



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