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Evaluation of estimated genetic merit for carcass weight in beef cattle: Blood metabolites, carcass measurements, carcass composition and selected non-carcass components.


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In Ireland, a new beef genetic index has been developed. Growth rate is expressed as expected progeny difference for carcass weight (EPDCWT) and is estimated on an across-breed basis. Cross-breeding of dairy cows with both Aberdeen Angus and Belgian Blue beef sires is widely practised. The objective of this study was to compare blood metabolites, slaughter traits and carcass composition of progeny from Holstein-Friesian dairy cows and Aberdeen Angus (AA), Belgian Blue (BB), Friesian (FR) and Holstein (HO) sires. The AA and BB sires were selected, within breed, to be of either high (H) or low (L) estimated genetic merit for carcass weight. A total of 170 male progeny from spring-calving cows and 42 sires (10 AA, 13 BB, 7 FR and 12 HO) were artificially reared indoors and managed together until the end of their second grazing season when they were assigned to either a Light (560 kg) or Heavy (620 kg) slaughter weight. Blood metabolite concentrations were measured six times throughout life and feed intake was recorded during the first and second winter. Carcass measurements and selected non-carcass components were recorded after slaughter and the right side of each carcass was dissected into lean, fat and bone. Differences in blood metabolite concentrations amongst genetic groups were negligible although there were some effects of the prevailing level of nutrition. M. longissimus area scaled for carcass weight was 0.220, 0.221, 0.260, 0.255, 0.212 and 0.208 (SE 0.004) cm2/kg for AAH, AAL, BBH, BBL, FR and HO, respectively. Carcass measurements scaled for carcass weight were greater for L, AA, HO and the dairy strains than for H, BB, FR and the beef breeds, respectively. There was no effect of estimated genetic merit for carcass weight on carcass composition. Statistically significant interactions between genetic merit and beef breed existed for some traits with the genetic merit effect largely evident for AA only. BB and the beef breeds had more lean, less fat and more high value lean in the carcass than AA and the dairy strains, respectively. It is concluded that genetic group had little effect on blood metabolite concentrations but there were some feeding level effects. Estimated genetic merit for carcass weight affected carcass weight, m. longissimus area and carcass measurements scaled for carcass weight but the effects were confined to AA. There were large effects of beef breed and dairy strain on carcass composition
机译:在爱尔兰,已经开发了一种新的牛肉遗传指数。生长速率表示为expected体重量的预期后代差异(EPDCWT),并且是在不同品种的基础上估算的。奶牛与阿伯丁安格斯牛和比利时蓝牛肉公牛的杂交育种被广泛采用。这项研究的目的是比较荷​​斯坦-弗里斯兰奶牛和阿伯丁安格斯(AA),比利时蓝(BB),弗里斯兰(FR)和荷斯坦(HO)父系的血液代谢产物,屠宰性状和car体组成。在种内,AA和BB父系的estimated体重量估计遗传性高(H)或低(L)。总共有170头来自春季犊牛和42头公母(10 AA,13 BB,7 FR和12 HO)的雄性后代在室内人工饲养并一起管理,直到第二个放牧季节结束时分配给它们(560公斤)或沉重(620公斤)的屠宰重量。在一生中测量了六次血液代谢产物浓度,并在第一个和第二个冬季记录了采食量。屠宰后记录measurements体测量值和选定的非-体成分,并将每个car体的右侧切成瘦肉,脂肪和骨头。尽管营养水平居高不下,但各基因组之间血液代谢产物浓度的差异可以忽略不计。对于AAH,AAL,BBH,BBL,FR和HO,按car体重量定标的长支原体面积分别为0.220、0.221、0.260、0.255、0.212和0.208(SE 0.004)cm2 / kg。 L,AA,HO和乳品菌株的for体重量缩放比例分别大于H,BB,FR和牛肉品种。 genetic体重量的估计遗传价值对car体组成没有影响。在某些性状上,遗传价值和牛肉品种之间存在统计学上的显着相互作用,而遗传价值效应仅在AA中显着。与AA和乳品系相比,than体的BB和牛肉品种的脂肪更瘦,脂肪更少,价值更高。结论是遗传群体对血液代谢产物浓度影响不大,但对摄食水平有一定影响。 affected体重量的估计遗传价值影响affected体重量,m。 is肌面积和car体测量值按for体重量进行缩放,但影响仅限于AA。牛肉品种和乳品系对car体组成有很大影响



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