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Effects of different sanitary challenges on voluntary feed intake in growing pigs.


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Poor sanitary conditions can affect technical and economical results of pig production. The aim of this work is to quantify the impact of sanitary challenges (SC) on the average daily feed intake (ADFI) in pigs. A database was built using information from 87 papers published in peer-reviewed journals. It contains results from in vivo experiments realised on 11136 pigs to test the impact of a SC during the post-weaning, growing and finishing periods. The origin of the SC was either bacterial, viral, parasitic, intoxication by mycotoxins, and poor hygienic housing. Across studies, ADFI was related to body weight using polynomial or exponential models. On average, ADFI was 8% lower in challenged animals compared with controls. The most important reduction in feed intake was observed for viral challenges during the post-weaning period (-30%; corresponding to a difference of about 0.26 kg/d). During the growing phase, reduction in feed intake was most important in pigs fed diets contaminated with mycotoxins or housed in poor conditions (-14%; 0.24 kg/d). During the finishing period, intoxication with mycotoxins and parasitic infestations reduced feed intake by 16 and 6%, respectively. These differences reflect the diversity of the mechanism of action (i.e., systemic or local) and target (organ or function) of the challenges. A meta-analysis appeared to be a powerful tool to better understand and to generalize the relationship between SC, nutrition and performance.
机译:恶劣的卫生条件会影响生猪生产的技术和经济效果。这项工作的目的是量化卫生挑战(SC)对猪平均日采食量(ADFI)的影响。建立了一个数据库,该数据库使用了来自同行评审期刊上发表的87篇论文中的信息。它包含在11136头猪上进行的体内实验的结果,以测试断奶后,生长和肥育期SC的影响。 SC的起源是细菌,病毒,寄生虫,霉菌毒素中毒和卫生条件差。在多项研究中,ADFI与多项式或指数模型的体重有关。平均而言,与对照组相比,受攻击动物的ADFI降低了8%。在断奶后期间,对于病毒攻击,观察到最重要的采食量减少(-30%;对应于约0.26 kg / d的差异)。在生长期,对于饲喂被霉菌毒素污染或饲养条件差的猪(-14%; 0.24 kg / d),减少采食量是最重要的。在最后阶段,霉菌毒素中毒和寄生虫侵扰分别使饲料摄入减少了16%和6%。这些差异反映了挑战的作用机制(即系统或局部)和目标(器官或功能)的多样性。荟萃分析似乎是一个强大的工具,可以更好地理解和概括SC,营养和性能之间的关系。



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