首页> 外文期刊>Cellular oncology >Detection of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood of colorectal cancer patients without distant organ metastases.

Detection of circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood of colorectal cancer patients without distant organ metastases.


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Recently, the detection of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in peripheral blood has become an important tool for the non-invasive assessment of micrometastases and to predict clinical outcome. The objective of this study was to investigate if the presence of CTCs in peripheral blood influences the prognosis in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients without distant organ metastases.The GCC mRNA and CK20 mRNA levels in peripheral blood and the serum levels of CEA of 92 CRC patients without distant organ metastasis were analyzed by quantitative RT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. Its associations with overall survival (OS) and disease-free survival (DFS) rates were analyzed.Univariate analyses showed that lower OS and DFS rates were significantly associated with GCC and CK20 mRNA levels, the presence of lymph node metastases, the presence of mesenteric root lymph node metastases, and the presence of tumor emboli in vessels (p?
机译:最近,外周血中循环肿瘤细胞(CTC)的检测已成为微转移无创评估和预测临床结果的重要工具。这项研究的目的是研究外周血中CTC的存在是否会影响没有远处器官转移的结直肠癌(CRC)患者的预后。外周血GCC mRNA和CK20 mRNA水平以及92 CRC的血清CEA水平对没有远处器官转移的患者分别进行了定量RT-PCR和ELISA分析。分析了其与总生存率(OS)和无病生存率(DFS)的相关性。单因素分析表明,较低的OS和DFS率与GCC和CK20 mRNA水平,淋巴结转移,肠系膜均显着相关根部淋巴结转移,血管中存在肿瘤栓子(p <0.05),但CEA水平不存在。多变量分析显示1)OS和GCC mRNA水平和分化类型与2)DFS和血管中肿瘤栓子的存在之间存在显着关联。 Kaplan-Meier曲线显示DFS与分化差的细胞的存在,曾接受过化疗的肠系膜根部淋巴结转移的存在以及血管中肿瘤栓子的存在显着相关。检测外周血中的CTC可能是有用的预测没有远处器官转移的CRC患者的临床结局。



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