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Hereditary minisatellite mutations among the offspring of Estonian Chernobyl cleanup workers


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A single accidental event such as the fallout released from the Chernobyl reactor in 1986 can expose millions of people to non-natural environmental radiation. Ionizing radiation increases the frequency of germline mutations in experimental studies, but the genetic effects of radiation in humans remain largely undefined. To evaluate the hereditary effects of low radiation doses, we compared the minisatellite mutation rates of 155 children born to Estonian Chernobyl cleanup workers after the accident with those of their siblings born prior to it. All together, 94 de novo paternal minisatellite mutations were found at eight tested loci (52 and 42 mutants among children born after and before the accident, respectively). The minisatellite mutation rate was nonsignificantly increased among children born after the accident (0.042 compared to 0.036, OR 1.33, 95% CI 0.80-2.20). Furthermore, there was some indication of an increased mutation rate among offspring born after the accident to workers who had received doses of 20 cSv or above compared with their siblings born before the accident (OR 3.0, 95% CI 0.97-9.30). The mutation rate was not associated with the father's age (OR 1.04, 95% CI 0.94-1.15) or the sex of the child (OR 0.95, 95% CI 0.50-1.79). Our results are consistent with both no effect of radiation on minisatellite mutations and a slight increase at dose levels exceeding 20 cSv. (C) 2003 by Radiation Research Society. [References: 26]
机译:诸如1986年切尔诺贝利核反应堆释放的放射性尘埃之类的意外事件可能使数百万人暴露于非自然环境辐射中。在实验研究中,电离辐射会增加种系突变的频率,但辐射在人类中的遗传效应仍未明确。为了评估低辐射剂量的遗传效应,我们比较了事故发生后爱沙尼亚切尔诺贝利清理工人所生的155名儿童的小卫星突变率与其之前所生的兄弟姐妹的突变率。总共在八个测试位点发现了94个新生的父亲微型卫星突变(事故发生前后出生的儿童中分别有52和42个突变体)。事故后出生的儿童中微卫星突变率无显着增加(0.042比0.036,或1.33,95%CI 0.80-2.20)。此外,有迹象表明,与事故前出生的兄弟姐妹相比,接受了20 cSv或更高剂量的工人事故发生后的后代突变率有所提高(OR 3.0,95%CI 0.97-9.30)。突变率与父亲的年龄(OR 1.04,95%CI 0.94-1.15)或孩子的性别(OR 0.95,95%CI 0.50-1.79)无关。我们的结果与辐射对微卫星突变无影响以及剂量水平超过20 cSv略有增加是一致的。 (C)2003年,辐射研究学会。 [参考:26]



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