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Conservation status of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera in Portugal

机译:葡萄牙淡水珍珠贻贝Margaritifera margaritifera的保护状况

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Based on new information, the current conservation status of the freshwater pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758) in Portugal is revised. Between 2010 and 2013 surveys were conducted in eight different rivers to assess distribution, abundance, size-frequency and preferential habitat of this species. Rivers Neiva, Cavado and Terva presented very low abundances (in the Cavado no specimens were found) and showed acute signs of ageing, calling into question the future survival of these populations. Although abundances were low in Rivers Beca, Paiva and Mente, juveniles were present and populations may improve their conservation status in the future, if appropriate management measures are applied. Rivers Rabacal and Tuela presented the highest abundances of adults and juveniles and these two rivers have the highest potential for the conservation of freshwater pearl mussels in Portugal. However, these two populations have suffered severe declines in several stretches due to the construction of dams in recent years. Given that the Portuguese pearl mussel populations are at the southern range of the species distribution, their conservation should be a priority. This current description of the conservation status of M. margaritifera in Portugal can be used as a reference, and guide future research and management initiatives to better conserve this species. (C) 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
机译:根据新的信息,对葡萄牙淡水珍珠贻贝玛格丽塔酒(Margaritifera margaritifera)(Linnaeus,1758)的当前保护状况进行了修订。在2010年至2013年之间,在8条不同的河流中进行了调查,以评估该物种的分布,丰度,大小频率和优先栖息地。涅瓦河,卡瓦多河和特尔瓦河的丰度很低(在卡瓦多河中没有发现任何标本),并显示出老化的急性迹象,这使这些人口的未来生存受到质疑。尽管在贝卡河,帕瓦河和门特河中的丰度较低,但如果采取适当的管理措施,则有幼鱼存在,将来人们可能会改善其保护状况。拉巴卡尔河和图埃拉河的成年和幼鱼数量最多,这两个河流在葡萄牙淡水珍珠贻贝的养护潜力最大。然而,由于近年来修建水坝,这两个人口在几个方面遭受了严重的减少。鉴于葡萄牙珍珠贻贝种群位于物种分布的南部,因此应将其保存作为优先事项。目前关于葡萄牙玛格丽特玛(M. margaritifera)保护状况的描述可以作为参考,并指导未来的研究和管理计划,以更好地保护该物种。 (C)2014 Elsevier GmbH。版权所有。



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