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Incubation, hatching and survival of eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in spawning redds influenced by groundwater

机译:受地下水影响的产卵红鲑中大西洋鲑(Salmo salar)卵的孵化,孵化和存活

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Many west coastal and northern Norwegian rivers run through deep, confined valleys with permeable layers of glacial and alluvial deposits. Groundwater flows through these permeable layers and enter lakes and rivers as underwater seepage and springs. Groundwater inflow to inland Norwegian rivers may constitute 40-100% of total water discharge during low flow periods in late summer and winter. Juvenile salmonids may take advantage of groundwater upwellings and actively seek out such patches. In regulated rivers groundwater influx may create refuges during low flow or hydropeaking episodes. The importance of groundwater for salmon redd site selection and egg survival is also clear, although less known and documented in regulated rivers.Eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) are deposited in redds in river bed gravels lacking fine sediments and with high oxygen levels. Egg development is therefore dependent on the interaction of a number of environmental factors such as groundwater influx, oxygen and temperature. Atlantic salmon in the regulated River Suldalsl?gen, Western Norway, spawn relatively late compared to other Norwegian rivers, with a peak in early January. Newly emerged fry are found from the end of May to the beginning of June, i.e. "swim up" one month earlier than expected using models for egg and alevin development and river water temperatures. The most plausible explanation is that groundwater has a higher and more stable temperature than surface river water. In field experiments, fertilized salmon eggs were placed in boxes close to natural spawning redds in the river bed at sites influenced and those not influenced by groundwater. A difference of up to 40 days in 50% hatching was found, and "swim up" occurred at the end of May in boxes influenced by groundwater.Preliminary studies have revealed that groundwater also plays an important role in survival of salmon eggs in the River Suldalsl?gen when dewatered in winter. Eggs placed in boxes in groundwater seepage areas during winter in the dewatered river bed survived even when covered by ice and snow. The survival from fertilization until 30 April, one month before hatching, was 91%, the same survival as found for eggs placed in boxes in the wetted river bed. However, mortality from fertilization to hatching was higher compared to the eggs placed in wetted river bed, 57 and 91% respectively.Groundwater creates a horizontal and vertical mosaic of temperatures in spawning redd areas leading to potentially greater variation in spawning sites, time of hatching and "swim up". This is likely to increase egg survival during low flow periods in regulated rivers. In conclusion, the interaction between groundwater and surface river water should therefore be considered when managing fish populations in regulated rivers.
机译:挪威西部沿海和北部的许多河流都流经深层,狭窄的山谷,这些山谷具有可渗透的冰川和冲积层。地下水流过这些可渗透层,并作为水下渗流和泉水进入湖泊和河流。在夏末和冬季的低流量时期,流入内陆挪威河的地下水可能占总排水量的40-100%。少年鲑鱼可能利用地下水上升流并积极寻找此类斑块。在受管制的河流中,地下水流入可能会在低流量或洪峰发生时形成避难所。尽管在受管制的河流中鲜为人知并有记载,但地下水对于鲑鱼红发地点选择和卵生存的重要性也很明显。大西洋鲑鱼(Salmo salar)的卵沉积在河床砾石中,缺乏精细的沉积物并且含氧量很高。因此,卵的发育取决于许多环境因素的相互作用,例如地下水流入,氧气和温度。与其他挪威河流相比,挪威西部受管制的河Suldalsl?gen的大西洋鲑鱼产卵相对较晚,一月初达到高峰。从5月底到6月初发现了新出现的鱼苗,也就是说,比预期的早了一个月,使用卵和鱼蛋白的发育模型和河水温度进行了“游泳”。最合理的解释是地下水比地表河水温度更高,更稳定。在田间试验中,受精鲑鱼卵被放置在靠近河床自然产卵红潮的箱子中,这些地点受和不受地下水影响。在孵化率达到50%的情况下,长达40天的差异被发现,并在5月底在受地下水影响的盒子中发生“游动”。初步研究表明,地下水在河中鲑鱼卵的存活中也起着重要作用。冬季脱水时,Suldalsl?gen。即使在冬天被冰雪覆盖的情况下,脱水河床中放置在地下水渗流区的盒子中的鸡蛋也能幸免。从受精到孵化前一个月的4月30日的存活率为91%,与放置在湿河床上的盒子中的卵的存活率相同。然而,从受精到孵化的死亡率要比放在潮湿河床上的卵高,分别为57%和91%。地下水在产卵发红区域产生水平和垂直温度镶嵌,导致产卵地点,孵化时间的潜在变化更大和“游泳”。在受管制的河流中,这可能会增加卵在低流量时期的存活率。总之,因此,在管理调节河流中的鱼类种群时,应考虑地下水与地表河水之间的相互作用。



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