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Discounting of delayed health gains and losses by current, never- and ex-smokers of cigarettes


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Recent evidence implicates steep discounting of delayed outcomes as an important feature of drug dependence. We determined discounting rates for health gains and health losses in current cigarette smokers (n = 23), neversmokers (n = 22) and ex-smokers (n = 21). Participants indicated preference for immediate vs. delayed hypothetical health gains and for immediate vs. delayed hypothetical health losses in a titration procedure that determined indifference points at a range of delays. The degree of discounting was estimated using two nonlinear decay models: an exponential model and a hyperbolic model. The hyperbolic equation generally provided better fits to the data than the exponential equation did. Current smokers discounted delayed health gainsand health losses more steeply than never-smokers did. Discounting by ex-smokers was generally intermediate to that of current smokers and never-smokers, although not statistically different from either. Current smokers and ex-smokers discounted delayedhealth losses more steeply than they did health gains. Never-smokers did not discount gains and losses differently. Cigarette smokers show rapid loss of value for delayed health outcomes, emphasizing the need for smoking-cessation treatments that providerelatively immediate consequences for abstinence.
机译:最近的证据表明,延迟治疗结果的严重降低是药物依赖性的重要特征。我们确定了当前吸烟者(n = 23),从不吸烟者(n = 22)和前吸烟者(n = 21)的健康收益和健康损失折现率。参与者指出在滴定程序中优先考虑立即或延迟假设的健康改善,以及立即或延迟假设健康损失,该滴定程序在一定的延迟范围内确定无差异点。折现度使用两个非线性衰减模型估算:指数模型和双曲线模型。与指数方程相比,双曲方程通常可以更好地拟合数据。当前的吸烟者比从未吸烟者更严重地耽误了延迟的健康收益和健康损失。前吸烟者的折扣通常在当前吸烟者和永不吸烟者的中间,尽管两者在统计学上没有差异。当前的吸烟者和前吸烟者对延误健康损失的折扣远比获得健康收益高得多。从不吸烟者不会以不同的方式折算损益。吸烟者因延误健康结果而迅速丧失价值,强调需要戒烟治疗,而戒烟治疗会给戒酒带来相对直接的后果。



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