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Modernist autobiography, hysterical narrative, and the unnavigable river: The case of freud and H.D.


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The Freudian case history, which reads the history of the self as the history of a psyche, offers a useful model of autobiographical narrative. This essay examines Freud's famous case history of "Dora" as a context for H.D.'s memoir Tribute to Freud. Freud's portrait in Dora of what scholars now call "hysterical narrative" has attracted long-lasting critical attention even as the genre has expanded beyond its original association, the halting reports given by patients with hysteria. By pulling this concept back to its historic construction in an important source text, Dora, I hope to demonstrate that it made available a productive model for Modernist autobiography, in particular H.D.'s memoir of a critical time in her artistic formation. Elaine Showalter, in her influential study "On Hysterical Narrative," points out that Freud drew upon earlier negative links between hysteria and narrative but that use of the term has, since Freud, spread to encompass all manner of writing by or about women. Julia Kristeva and Helene Cixous celebrated the hysteric's tics and silences as a radical gesture, a feminine language outside patriarchy, and an array of feminist critics, led by Mary Jacobus, began associating women's words (and reading) more generally with hysterical narrative. Claire Kahane, another major critical voice on "hysterical narrative," extends the quality of hysterical narrative to male authors but still associates it with women, as she theorizes it to be an anxious response to the rise of the vocal New Woman.
机译:弗洛伊德式的病史将自我的历史读为心理学的历史,提供了自传叙事的有用模型。本文考察了弗洛伊德著名的“多拉”案例历史,以此作为博士回忆录《向弗洛伊德致敬》的背景。弗洛伊德在多拉(Dora)上的肖像现在被学者称为“歇斯底里的叙事”,引起了长期的批评关注,即使这种类型已经超出了最初的联系,歇斯底里症患者也停止了报道。通过在重要的原始资料《朵拉》中将这一概念拉回其历史构造,我希望证明它为现代主义自传提供了一种富有成效的模式,特别是H.D.回忆录中关于她艺术生涯中关键时刻的回忆录。 Elaine Showalter在她的有影响力的研究“关于歇斯底里的叙事”中指出,弗洛伊德利用歇斯底里和叙事之间的早期消极联系,但是自弗洛伊德以来,该术语的使用已经扩展到涵盖女性或女性的所有写作方式。朱莉娅·克里斯蒂娃(Julia Kristeva)和海伦·希克斯(Helene Cixous)以一种激进的姿态,一种父权制之外的女性语言来庆祝歇斯底里的人的沉默和沉默,并且由玛丽·雅各布斯(Mary Jacobus)领导的一系列女权主义者开始将妇女的话语(和阅读)与歇斯底里的叙事联系起来。克莱尔·卡汉(Claire Kahane)是关于“歇斯底里叙事”的另一个主要批判性声音,将歇斯底里叙事的质量延伸到男性作家,但仍将其与女性联系在一起,因为她认为这是对声乐《新女人》崛起的一种焦虑反应。



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