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Effect of a gonadotropin releasing hormone analog on an experimental ovarian tumor: direct and indirect actions.


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An ovary autotransplanted into the spleen of a bilaterally ovariectomized rat develops into a luteoma, which grows under constant gonadotropin hyperstimulation. The effect of a long-acting GnRH agonist (GnRH-a), on tumor growth and hormone secretion was investigated. Two experimental models were used: Model 1: GnRH-a (0.33 mg/rat sc) or estradiol valerianate (50 micrograms/rat sc injected once a week for four weeks) was administered simultaneously with ovary implantation; Model 2: the drugs were administered after 1 month of tumor development. The treatment with estradiol was used as a control of tumor regression. Saline injected ovarian grafted rats and Sham operated animals were used as controls. In Model 1: The GnRH-a significantly inhibited tumor development (Positive tumors: Saline: 100% vs GnRH-a: 43%, p < 0.01). In Model 2: the GnRH-a and estradiol significantly reduced the volume of one month old tumors (52% and 39% of initial volumes respectively, p < 0.01). Gonadotropin secretion was significantly inhibited or its increase blunted by the GnRH-a and by estradiol treatments in both models. Estradiol and progesterone in portal blood, which collects the steroids secreted by the luteoma, were significantly reduced by GnRH-a treatment in both models. On the other hand, in tumor cells cultured "in vitro", the GnRH-a was able to inhibit the LH induced progesterone secretion in a concentration dependent way. These results clearly show that the GnRH-a is effective in inhibiting tumor growth or reducing its volume, when already developed; furthermore, it suppresses tumor steroid hormone production. These actions were exerted at both the hypophyseal and tumor levels.
机译:将卵巢自体移植到双侧切除卵巢的大鼠的脾脏中,会发展成黄体瘤,该黄体瘤在不断促性腺激素过度刺激下生长。研究了长效GnRH激动剂(GnRH-a)对肿瘤生长和激素分泌的影响。使用了两个实验模型:模型1:在卵巢植入的同时给予GnRH-a(0.33 mg /大鼠皮下注射)或戊酸雌二醇(50微克/大鼠皮下注射,每周一次,持续4周)。模型2:在肿瘤发展1个月后施用药物。雌二醇的治疗用作肿瘤消退的对照。将盐水注射的卵巢移植大鼠和Sham手术的动物用作对照。在模型1中:GnRH-a显着抑制了肿瘤的发展(阳性肿瘤:盐水:100%,而GnRH-a:43%,p <0.01)。在模型2中:GnRH-a和雌二醇显着降低了一个月大的肿瘤的体积(分别占初始体积的52%和39%,p <0.01)。在两个模型中,GnRH-a和雌二醇治疗均显着抑制了促性腺激素的分泌,或使促性腺激素的分泌减弱。在两种模型中,GnRH-a治疗均显着降低了门静脉血中收集黄体瘤分泌的类固醇的雌二醇和孕酮。另一方面,在“体外”培养的肿瘤细胞中,GnRH-a能够以浓度依赖的方式抑制LH诱导的孕酮分泌。这些结果清楚地表明,当已经发育时,GnRH-a可有效抑制肿瘤生长或减小其体积。此外,它抑制了肿瘤甾体激素的产生。这些作用作用在垂体和肿瘤的水平。



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