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Developmental regulation and functions of the expression of the neuropeptide corazonin in Drosophila melanogaster.


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Although the corazonin gene (Crz) has been molecularly characterized, little is known concerning the function of this neuropeptide in Drosophila melanogaster. To gain insight into Crz function in Drosophila, we have investigated the developmental regulation of Crz expression and the morphology of corazonergic neurons. From late embryo to larva, Crz expression is consistently detected in three neuronal groups: dorso-lateral Crz neurons (DL), dorso-medial Crz neurons (DM), and Crz neurons in the ventral nerve cord (vCrz). Both the vCrz and DM groups die via programmed cell death during metamorphosis, whereas the DL neurons persist to adulthood. In adults, Crz is expressed in a cluster of six to eight neurons per lobe in the pars lateralis (DLP), in numerous neuronal cells in the optic lobes, and in a novel group of four abdominal ganglionic neurons present only in males (ms-aCrz). The DLP group consists of two subsets of cells having different developmental origins: embryo and pupa. In the optic lobes, we have detected both Crz transcripts and Crz promoter activity, but no Crz-immunoreactive products, suggesting a post-transcriptional regulation of Crz mRNA. Projections of the ms-aCrz neurons terminate within the ventral nerve cord, implying a role as interneurons. Terminals of the DLP neurons are found in the retrocerebral complex that produces juvenile hormone and adipokinetic hormone. Significant reduction of trehalose levels in adults lacking DLP neurons suggests that DLP neurons are involved in the regulation of trehalose metabolism. Thus, the tissue-, stage-, and sex-specific expression of Crz and the association of Crz with the function of the retrocerebral complex suggest diverse roles for this neuropeptide in Drosophila.
机译:尽管corazonin基因(Crz)具有分子特征,但是关于这种神经肽在果蝇中的功能知之甚少。为了深入了解果蝇中的Crz功能,我们研究了Crz表达的发育调控和Corazonerergy神经元的形态。从晚期胚胎到幼虫,在三个神经元组中始终检测到Crz表达:腹外侧Crz神经元(DL),腹内侧Crz神经元(DM)和腹神经索(vCrz)中的Crz神经元。 vCrz和DM组均在变态过程中通过程序性细胞死亡而死亡,而DL神经元持续到成年。在成年人中,Crz在侧耳(DLP)的每个叶中的六到八个神经元的簇中,视神经叶的许多神经元细胞中以及仅在男性中出现的一组四个腹部神经节神经元的新型表达(ms- aCrz)。 DLP组由具有不同发育起源的细胞的两个子集组成:胚胎和pa。在视神经叶中,我们已经检测到Crz转录物和Crz启动子活性,但没有Crz免疫反应产物,提示Crz mRNA的转录后调控。 ms-aCrz神经元的投射在腹神经索内终止,暗示其作用为中间神经元。在脑后复合物中发现DLP神经元的末端,该复合物会产生幼年激素和脂肪代谢激素。缺乏DLP神经元的成年人海藻糖水平的显着降低表明DLP神经元参与了海藻糖代谢的调节。因此,Crz的组织,阶段和性别特异性表达以及Crz与后脑复合物功能的关联表明果蝇中该神经肽具有多种作用。



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