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The Dog That Ate Asparagus


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Voracious vines! Suddenly sprouting seed! We present tales of garden mistakes and the lessons learned from them. At some point each of us has experienced that smite-the-forehead moment when we are overwhelmed by a magnificent idea. The quality-controldepartments in our cognitive centers shut down, and we charge into projects full speed ahead; damn the torpedoes. A long-ago yen for succulent fresh asparagus sent me into one of those ill-considered projects. Signing on to my vision with grace and fortitude, my husband spent a weekend digging a trench that probably would have accommodated Old Paint. We filled the trench with every garden goodie at our disposal: the best topsoil, compost, cow manure, leaf mulch. As we tucked in the sturdy asparagus roots, we prided ourselves on having done everything right. Mouths watering in anticipation, we were still more than willing to wait three years for the payoff, but when the first tiny spears surfaced, we grew uneasy about impatient four-footed marauders. We hadn't factored fencing into the budget, but we did have a conscientious sheltie brave enough to have treed a bear on one memorable occasion. Proud to serve, Shwaya settled herself beneath our bedroom window. We could hear her nestling into position and sighing contentedly. "WOO-WOO-WOO!" she exclaimed at 11:05 p.m., launching herself into the fray like a furry rocket. We imagined a satisfied doggy smile as she returned to her post a few minutes later; the enemy routed. She was off again at 11:22, 11:45, 12:10— and so on until dawn. We didn't sleep much, but we praised our night patrol lavishly at breakfast the next morning.
机译:贪婪的藤蔓!突然发芽的种子!我们提供有关花园错误的故事以及从中汲取的教训。在某些时候,我们每个人都经历了那刻薄的时刻,当我们被一个伟大的想法淹没时。我们认知中心的质量控制部门已经关闭,我们将全速推进到项目中;该死的鱼雷。久违的多肉新鲜芦笋日元使我进入了那些考虑不周的项目之一。我丈夫以优雅和坚决的态度签署了我的愿景,花了一个周末来挖一条沟,该沟可能会容纳旧油漆。我们在每一个花园里都摆满了我们可以使用的各种美食:最好的表土,堆肥,牛粪,地膜。当我们扎起坚固的芦笋根时,我们为自己做对了一切感到自豪。期待中流口水,我们仍然乐于等待三年的回报,但是当第一支小矛浮出水面时,我们对不耐烦的四脚掠夺者感到不安。我们没有在预算中考虑围栏,但是我们确实有一个认真尽责的勇敢者,足以在一次难忘的时刻树起一只熊。 Shwaya自豪地为自己服务,将自己安放在我们卧室的窗户下面。我们可以听到她紧紧地nest着姿势,心满意足地叹了口气。 “呜呜呜呜!”她在晚上11:05惊叫起来,像毛茸茸的火箭一样进入战斗。几分钟后,当她回到自己的岗位时,我们想象着一个满意的小狗笑容;敌人被击溃。她在11:22、11:45、12:10再次离开,依此类推直到黎明。我们没有睡很多,但是第二天早晨早餐时我们大声赞美了我们的夜间巡逻。



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