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Dealing with uncertainty: a case study of controlling insect populations in natural ecosystems


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This paper analyses the political process for handling an outbreak of an insect causing human allergic reactions. In the southern part of the Swedish island Gotland in the Baltic Sea, an outbreak of the northern pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pinivora, has occurred. With regard to the human nuisance and long-term effects on the tourist industry, demands have been raised for intervention to reduce and control the insect population. At the same time, there have been warnings against treating the insect population because there are knowledge gaps concerning the wider ecological consequences, including effects on biodiversity. This paper analyses the political process and its problem-solving efforts. Of particular interest is how it dealt with the issue of uncertainty. It was found that the uncertainty associated with the issue hindered the development of a shared understanding of the problem and a possible solution. There seems to be a growing need in society to develop the institutional capacity to handle complex issues that cross different sectors, regulatory frameworks and policy targets.
机译:本文分析了处理引起人类过敏反应的昆虫爆发的政治过程。在波罗的海瑞典岛屿哥得兰岛的南部,发生了北松列队飞蛾Thaumetopoea pinivora的暴发。关于人为干扰和对旅游业的长期影响,提出了减少和控制昆虫种群的干预措施。同时,由于存在关于更广泛的生态后果(包括对生物多样性的影响)的知识空白,已经警告不要对昆虫种群进行治疗。本文分析了政治进程及其解决问题的努力。特别令人关注的是它如何处理不确定性问题。发现与该问题相关的不确定性阻碍了对该问题和可能的解决方案的共识的发展。社会上似乎越来越需要发展机构能力来处理跨越不同部门,监管框架和政策目标的复杂问题。



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