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From laborers to leaders: the tale of three Hispanic workers who reaped the rewards of hard work and a willingness to accept responsibility


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Jesus "Chuy" Medrano is in his truck, heading toward one of his crews still toiling away at a job site as dusk approaches. The setting Colorado sun is a deep red, red as the blood some of his workers shed from minor cuts they're too busy to pay attention to. With the sun as a backdrop, some of the guys look like teapots, their arms pointed out at the elbow as their hands rest on their hips. "Jarritos," Chuy says with a broad grin as white as his cowboy hat is black. That's the Spanish term for "little teapots," which is what he says those workers with their hands on their hips look like.
机译:耶稣“楚伊”梅德兰诺(Chury Medrano)在他的卡车上,驶向他的一名乘员,随着黄昏的临近,他们仍在工作现场劳作。科罗拉多州的夕阳是深红色,红色是他的一些工人因忙碌而无法引起注意的轻微割伤而流下的鲜血。以太阳为背景,其中一些人看起来像茶壶,他们的胳膊指着肘部,而手放在臀部上。 “ Jarritos,” Chuy咧嘴笑着说,他的牛仔帽是黑色的。那是西班牙语中“小茶壶”的用语,他说那些双手叉腰的工人看起来像。



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