首页> 外文期刊>Leukemia Research: A Forum for Studies on Leukemia and Normal Hemopoiesis >A phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, study of iseganan for the reduction of stomatitis in patients receiving stomatotoxic chemotherapy.

A phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, study of iseganan for the reduction of stomatitis in patients receiving stomatotoxic chemotherapy.


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The invasion and colonization of oral cavity mucosal tissues by microflora may contribute to the pathophysiology of ulcerative oral mucositis (UOM). Iseganan is an analog of protegrin-1, a naturally occurring peptide with broad-spectrum microbicidal activity. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy and safety of iseganan in preventing UOM after stomatotoxic therapy. Patients received an oral rinse, consisting of iseganan 9mg or placebo, to be swished/swallowed six times daily, starting with stomatotoxic therapy and continuing up to 21 days. Patients were assessed for stomatitis and UOM, and administered a questionnaire evaluating mouth pain and difficulty swallowing thrice weekly. The primary study efficacy endpoint was the proportion of patients who did not have peak stomatitis NCI-CTC grade >or=2. Between November 2001 and June 2002, 502 patients were randomized to receive iseganan (251) or placebo (251). Equivalent numbers of patients in both cohorts received bone marrow or peripheral blood allogeneic or autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT). Forty-three percent and 37% of iseganan and placebo patients, respectively, did not have peak stomatitis grade =2 (P = 0.182). There was no significant difference between the cohorts in stomatitis severity, incidence of UOM, peak mouth pain, peak difficulty swallowing, amount of opiate analgesics used, or adverse event type or incidence. A major impact of Iseganan on reducing stomatitis, UOM, or its clinical sequelae in patients receiving stomatotoxic therapy was not detected on this study.
机译:菌群对口腔黏膜组织的侵袭和定殖可能与溃疡性口腔黏膜炎(UOM)的病理生理有关。 Iseganan是protegrin-1的类似物,protegrin-1是一种具有广谱杀微生物活性的天然肽。进行了一项随机,双盲,安慰剂对照的研究,以评估异头聚糖在气孔毒素治疗后预防UOM的功效和安全性。患者接受口服漱口水(包括9mg异麦角聚糖或安慰剂),每天六次漱口/吞咽,开始进行气孔毒素治疗,并持续21天。对患者进行口腔炎和UOM评估,并每周进行一次问卷评估,评估其口腔疼痛和吞咽困难。主要的研究疗效终点是未达到峰值口腔炎NCI-CTC等级>或= 2的患者比例。在2001年11月至2002年6月之间,有502名患者被随机分配接受iseganan(251)或安慰剂(251)。在这两个队列中,相等数量的患者接受了骨髓或外周血同种异体或自体干细胞移植(SCT)。 iseganan和安慰剂患者中分别有43%和37%的口腔炎峰值未达到= 2(P = 0.182)。在口腔炎的严重程度,UOM的发生率,峰值口痛,吞咽困难峰值,鸦片类镇痛药的使用量或不良事件的类型或发生率之间,队列之间没有显着差异。在这项研究中,未发现Iseganan对减少接受气孔毒性治疗的患者的口腔炎,UOM或其临床后遗症的重大影响。


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