首页> 外文期刊>Large Animal Review >Application of infrared thermography as tools to diagnosis subacute ruminal acidosis of dairy cows.

Application of infrared thermography as tools to diagnosis subacute ruminal acidosis of dairy cows.


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Subacute rumen acidosis (SARA) represent one of the most important metabolic disorders in intensive dairy farms that affects rumen fermentations, animal welfare, productivity and profitability. The determination of ruminal pH is a key factor for the diagnosis of SARA. Different methods are available for the collection of rumen fluid for pH analysis. According several researcher rumenocentesis may be useful for the collection of rumen fluid for pH determination. A group of at least 12 cows (early or middle lactation) is defined as having SARA when more than 30% of them show a ruminal pH lower than 5.5. The purpose of this study was to verify the applicability of thermography as a tool as an aid to diagnosis of this disorder fermentative. Also, apply the thermographic evaluation of point of needle insertion from rumenocentesis in order to further confirm the absence of negative implications of this technique on the health and animal welfare. The results of this study may show how infrared thermography can be of great importance as a tool as an aid to diagnosing subacute rumen acidosis because the alterations of ruminal fermentations leads to a change in temperature of the rumen and/or surface circulation in relation to the mechanisms of heat loss. Moreover, since some authors still consider rumenocentesis as an invasive technique and various professionals deem too difficult to use in routine clinical investigations, this study has again demonstrated that no animal has shown particular problems during this diagnostic procedure, and not have been identified local or systemic reactions following the ruminocentesis.



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