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Cost: benefit evaluations for research protocols. Response: Room for improvement.


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In past years, none of Rosinski's IACUC protocols had been seriously questioned, but Brittany Paulson, a new graduate student on the IACUC, reviewed Rosinski's protocol in a different manner than had been done in the past. At the full committee meeting, Paulson said she clearly understood Rosinski's rationale for choosing the study endpoint described in the protocol and the reasons why an earlier one could not be used. But Paulson questioned the benefit of the study compared with the distress that the animals would undergo. "It's not that I think there is no value at all to this study," said Paulson, "but study after study has demonstrated the harmful effects of tobacco and the results of this study may just put another nail in the coffin. In England, where I come from, we would have to weigh the cost of suffering to the animals against the benefit to society that might arise from this study. I see no such analysis here."
机译:过去几年,Rosinski的IACUC协议均未受到严重质疑,但IACUC的一名新研究生Brittany Paulson用与过去不同的方式审查了Rosinski的协议。保尔森在全体委员会会议上说,她清楚地理解了Rosinski选择方案中描述的研究终点的理由,以及无法使用较早的研究终点的原因。但是鲍尔森质疑该研究与动物遭受的痛苦相比是否有益。保尔森说:“我认为这项研究根本没有任何价值,但一项又一项研究证明了烟草的有害作用,这项研究的结果可能只是在棺材上钉上了一块钉子。在英格兰,我来自哪里,我们将不得不权衡动物遭受的代价和这项研究可能给社会带来的好处。我在这里没有这种分析。”



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