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Southeast Alaska economics: a resource-abundant region competing in a global marketplace.


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Questions related to economics figured prominently in the priority information needs identified in the 1997 Tongass Land Management Plan. Follow-on studies in economics were designed to improve understanding of aspects of the competitiveness of the Alaska forest sector, links between Alaska timber markets and other markets as evident in prices, and the relationship between resource allocation decisions and economic conditions in communities and the region. Analysis of the role of recreation and tourism in the regional economy was added to the topics addressed, based on early results of work to describe economic dynamics. Comparisons are undertaken to evaluate the economic changes taking place in southeast Alaska, to analyze the sources of these changes, and to determine if and why they differ from the changes taking place at larger scales and those occurring in a similar rural and resource-abundant region. Divergent views regarding the current role of the Tongass in the regional economy are summarized and assessed by using contemporary evidence. A variety of factors contribute to comparative and competitive disadvantages for the forest products sector in southeast Alaska. Alaska product and log markets are effectively integrated with other markets supplied by producers in British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. Empirical evidence suggests the need to re-examine assumptions regarding the relation between changes in "basic" sector activities and employment (such as timber harvesting and wood products manufacturing) and "nonbasic" (or support sector) employment in the rural communities of southeast Alaska. Many of the changes occurring in the economy of rural southeast Alaska are driven by changes in the international markets in which Alaskan products compete, and are largely independent of Tongass forest management. Unearned income and tourism have replaced resource-extractive industries as the principal sources of income growth in the region. The contribution of the Tongass National Forest to the regional economy has become more complex and difficult to quantify. Forest management policies that enhance the comparative advantages the region enjoys in providing both tourism opportunities and quality of life attributes will aid communities in maintaining and expanding their economic opportunities.
机译:在1997年汤加斯土地管理计划中确定的优先信息需求中,与经济有关的问题尤为突出。经济学方面的后续研究旨在增进对阿拉斯加林业部门竞争力的方面,价格上可见的阿拉斯加木材市场与其他市场之间的联系以及资源分配决策与社区和地区经济状况之间关系的理解。 。根据描述经济动态的早期工作结果,将娱乐和旅游业在区域经济中的作用分析添加到所讨论的主题中。进行比较以评估阿拉斯加东南部发生的经济变化,分析这些变化的来源,并确定它们是否,为什么与较大规模的变化以及在类似的农村和资源丰富地区发生的变化不同。通过当代证据总结和评估了关于汤加斯在区域经济中当前作用的不同观点。各种因素导致阿拉斯加东南部林产品部门的比较和竞争劣势。阿拉斯加的产品和原木市场已与不列颠哥伦比亚省和西北太平洋地区的生产商提供的其他市场有效整合。经验证据表明,有必要重新审查关于“基本”部门活动与就业(例如木材采伐和木制品制造)变化与阿拉斯加东南部农村社区的“非基本”(或支持部门)就业之间的关系的假设。阿拉斯加东南部农村地区经济发生的许多变化是由阿拉斯加产品竞争的国际市场变化驱动的,并且很大程度上独立于汤加斯森林管理。得不到的收入和旅游业已取代资源消耗性产业,成为该地区收入增长的主要来源。汤加斯国家森林对区域经济的贡献变得更加复杂,难以量化。森林管理政策可增强该地区在提供旅游机会和生活质量方面享有的比较优势,将有助于社区维持和扩大其经济机会。



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