首页> 外文期刊>La Medicina del lavoro >(A preliminary mapping methodology for occupational hazards and biomechanical risk evaluation: presentation of a simple, computerized tool kit for ergonomic hazards identification and risk assessment).

(A preliminary mapping methodology for occupational hazards and biomechanical risk evaluation: presentation of a simple, computerized tool kit for ergonomic hazards identification and risk assessment).


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: During the last Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA), Beijing, August 2009, an international group was founded with the task of developing a "toolkit for MSD prevention" under the IEA and in collaboration with the World Health Organization. The possible users of toolkits are: members of health and safety committees; health and safety representatives; line supervisors; foremen; workers; government representatives; health workers providing basic occupational health services; occupational health and safety specialists. METHODS: According to the ISO standard 11228 series and the new Draft CD ISO 12259-2009: Application document guides for the potential user, our group developed a preliminary "mapping" methodology of occupational hazards in the craft industry, supported by software (Excel). RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The proposed methodology, using specific key enters and quick assessment criteria, allows a simple ergonomics hazards identification and risk estimation to be made. It is thus possible to decide for which occupational hazards a more exhaustive risk assessment will be necessary and which occupational consultant should be involved (occupational physician, safety engineer, industrial hygienist, etc.).
机译:背景与目标:在国际人体工程学协会(IEA)上届大会(2009年8月,北京)上,成立了一个国际小组,其任务是在IEA的监督下并与世界卫生组织合作开发“预防MSD的工具包”。 。工具包的可能用户是:健康和安全委员会的成员;健康与安全代表;直线主管;工头工人;政府代表;提供基本职业卫生服务的卫生工作者;职业健康与安全专家。方法:根据ISO标准11228系列和新的CD ISO 12259-2009草案草案:针对潜在用户的应用文件指南,我们小组在软件(Excel)的支持下开发了手工艺行业职业危害的初步“制图”方法。结果与结论:所提出的方法,使用特定的密钥输入和快速评估标准,可以进行简单的人体工程学危害识别和风险评估。因此,有可能决定需要针对哪些职业危害进行更详尽的风险评估,以及应该涉及哪些职业顾问(职业医生,安全工程师,工业卫生师等)。



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