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Up the garden path: The plants of the Chelsea Physic Garden mark the journey from witchcraft to modern medical science


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The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries were a canny lot. As with many of the trade guilds of the 1600s, their secretive society was not just for training and keeping up standards - it was about monopoly. This was a time when the knowledge of healing herbs and plants was transcending the superstition of the Dark Ages and becoming the "art" of medicine. The ancient guilds were battling over the rewards to be earned from the knowledge of nature and its miracles. In 1673, the Worshipful Society founded the Chelsea Physic Garden beside the River Thames, near the present Albert Bridge, for the propagation of herbs and the education of apprentices. Only the second "botanic" garden in England, it was close to river transport and the apothecaries' Blackfriars guild hall and known for its microclimate. Even olives and citrus grow here.
机译:敬拜药剂师协会是一个明智的选择。像1600年代的许多行业行会一样,他们的秘密社会不仅是为了培训和维持标准,还在于垄断。在那个时候,草药和植物的治疗知识超越了黑暗时代的迷信,成为医学的“艺术”。古老的行会正在为从自然及其奇迹的知识中获得的收益而战。 1673年,敬拜协会在目前的艾伯特大桥附近的泰晤士河旁建立了切尔西植物园,用于草药的传播和学徒的教育。它仅是英格兰第二个“植物园”花园,靠近内河运输和药剂师的黑修道会馆,并以其微气候而闻名。甚至橄榄和柑橘都在这里生长。



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