首页> 外文期刊>Nursing inquiry >Foucault's notion of problematization: a methodological discussion of the application of Foucault's later work to nursing research

Foucault's notion of problematization: a methodological discussion of the application of Foucault's later work to nursing research


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This study takes its point of departure in an oft-voiced critique that the French philosopher Michel Foucault gives discourse priority over practice, thereby being deterministic and leaving little space for the individual to act as an agent. Based on an interpretation of the latter part of Foucault's oeuvre, we argue against this critique and provide a methodological discussion of the perception that Foucault's method constitutes, primarily, discourse analysis. We argue that it is possible to overcome this critique of Foucault's work by the application of methodological tools adapted from Foucault's later writings and his diagnosis of his own work as studies of forms of problematization. To shed light on the possibilities that this approach offers to the researcher, we present a reading of aspects of Foucault's work, with a focus on his notion of forms of problematization. Furthermore, we elaborate on concepts from his so-called genealogical period, namely the dispositive', strategy and tactics. Our interpretation is supported by examples from a study of the emergence of Danish nursing education, which is based on an analytical framework that we developed in the light of an interpretation of aspects of Foucault's work.
机译:这项研究的出发点是经常发生的一种批评,即法国哲学家福柯(Michel Foucault)将话语置于实践之上,从而具有确定性,并为个人充当代理人留出了很少的空间。在对福柯作品的后半部分进行解释的基础上,我们反对这种批评,并就福柯的方法主要由话语分析构成的看法进行了方法论的讨论。我们认为,通过应用根据福柯后期著作改编的方法论工具以及他对自己作为问题形式研究的诊断,可以克服对福柯的批评。为了阐明这种方法为研究人员提供的可能性,我们对福柯的工作进行了解读,重点是他对问题形式的理解。此外,我们详细阐述了他所谓的家谱时期的概念,即定性,策略和策略。我们的解释得到丹麦护理教育兴起研究的实例的支持,该研究基于我们根据对福柯工作各个方面的解释而开发的分析框架。



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