首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Physics, A: Journal Devoted to the Experimental Study of the Fundamental Constituents of Matter and Their Actions >The solar boron, stellar lithium and deuterium, interstellar deuterium, and extragalactic deuterium abundances

The solar boron, stellar lithium and deuterium, interstellar deuterium, and extragalactic deuterium abundances


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D, Li, Be, and B are not by formed by ordinary stellar nucleosynthesis. D is primarily formed in the big bang. Because each generation of stars replenished the ISM with material depleted in D, the D abundance decreases with time and is larger in low-metallicity regions. Because Li, Be and B are primarily formed via cosmic-ray spallation reactions, their abundances will increase with time. Some Li and B is produced in supernovae via v-spallation reactions and some Li is produced via mass loss from Li-rich AGB stars. To determine if the B abundance has increased during past 4.5 Gyr, an accurate Solar B abundance will be determined from ongoing observations of the 1.6 mu lines of B. Initial negative results yield B/H < 3.5 x 10(-10). The Balmer D-alpha line was not detected in the high-metallicity star HD 82943; the low-metallicity Pop 11 halo star HD 140283 (both with detected Li-6), or in the slowly rotating B stars i. Her and gamma Peg with D/H < 1.0 x 10(-5). Observations of Li in super-Li-rich AGB C and S stars with strong Li lines confirms that these stars have the largest Li abundance in the Galaxy (Li/H = 10(-7) and that mass loss from these stars may contribute to the ISM Li abundance. Observations of the DCN/HCN ratio in the Galaxy yield D/H < 1.4 x 10(-6) in the Galactic Center molecular clouds (10 pc from the center) and a positive D/H gradient in the Galaxy implying that there are no Galactic sources of D and D is cosmological. Extragalactic D (in DCN) is currently being searched for in two gravitational lenses against quasars at z = 0.7 and 0.9 and in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068. [References: 6]
机译:D,Li,Be和B不是通过普通的恒星核合成形成的。 D主要是在大爆炸中形成的。因为每一代恒星都向ISM补充了D耗尽的物质,所以D的丰度会随着时间的推移而降低,并且在低金属度区域会更大。由于Li,Be和B主要是通过宇宙射线散裂反应形成的,因此它们的丰度会随着时间而增加。一些Li和B是通过v-palation反应在超新星中产生的,而一些Li是通过富含锂的AGB恒星的质量损失产生的。为了确定B丰度在过去的4.5 Gyr内是否已增加,将从对1.6亩B线的持续观察中确定准确的太阳B丰度。最初的阴性结果得出B / H <3.5 x 10(-10)。高金属恒星HD 82943中未检测到Balmer D-alpha线;低金属性的Pop 11晕星HD 140283(均具有检测到的Li-6)或缓慢旋转的B星i。她和伽玛·佩格的D / H <1.0 x 10(-5)。在具有强Li线的超级富Li的AGB C和S恒星中观察到Li证实了这些恒星在银河系中具有最大的Li丰度(Li / H = 10(-7),并且这些恒星的质量损失可能有助于银河系中DCN / HCN比率的观测值在银河系中心分子云(距中心10 pc)中产生D / H <1.4 x 10(-6)且银河系中D / H梯度为正暗示没有D的银河来源,D是宇宙学的,目前正在两个重力透镜中针对z = 0.7和0.9的类星体以及在Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1068中寻找银河D(在DCN中)。[参考文献:6]



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