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A parameterized multi-step Newton method for solving systems of nonlinear equations


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We construct a novel multi-step iterative method for solving systems of nonlinear equations by introducing a parameter. to generalize the multi-step Newton method while keeping its order of convergence and computational cost. By an appropriate selection of theta, the new method can both have faster convergence and have larger radius of convergence. The new iterative method only requires one Jacobian inversion per iteration, and therefore, can be efficiently implemented using Krylov subspace methods. The new method can be used to solve nonlinear systems of partial differential equations, such as complex generalized Zakharov systems of partial differential equations, by transforming them into systems of nonlinear equations by discretizing approaches in both spatial and temporal independent variables such as, for instance, the Chebyshev pseudo-spectral discretizing method. Quite extensive tests show that the new method can have significantly faster convergence and significantly larger radius of convergence than the multi-step Newton method.
机译:通过引入参数,我们构造了一种新颖的多步迭代方法来求解非线性方程组。推广多步牛顿法,同时保持其收敛顺序和计算成本。通过适当选择θ,新方法既可以具有更快的收敛速度,又可以具有更大的收敛半径。新的迭代方法每次迭代只需要一个Jacobian求逆,因此可以使用Krylov子空间方法有效地实现。通过离散化空间和时间独立变量(例如, Chebyshev伪光谱离散化方法。大量的测试表明,与多步牛顿法相比,该新方法的收敛速度更快,收敛半径也更大。



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