首页> 外文期刊>Nucleic Acids Research >Recognition of exonic splicing enhancer sequences by the Drosophila splicing repressor RSF1.

Recognition of exonic splicing enhancer sequences by the Drosophila splicing repressor RSF1.


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The Drosophila repressor splicing factor 1 (RSF1) comprises an N-terminal RNA-binding region and a C-terminal domain rich in glycine, arginine and serine residues, termed the GRS domain. Recently, RSF1 has been shown to antagonize splicing factors of the serine/arginine-rich (SR) family and it is, therefore, expected to play a role in processing of a subset of Drosophila pre-mRNAs through specific interactions with RNA. To investigate the RNA-binding specificity of RSF1, we isolated RSF1-binding RNAs using an in vitro selection approach. We have identified two RNA target motifs recognized by RSF1, designated A (CAACGACGA)- and B (AAACGCGCG)-type sequences. We show here that the A-type cognate sequence behaves as an SR protein-dependent exonic splicing enhancer. Namely, three copies of the A-type ligand bind SR proteins, stimulate the efficiency of splicing of reporter pre-mRNAs several fold and lead to inclusion of a short internal exon both in vitro and in vivo. However, three copies of a B-type ligand were much less active. The finding that RSF1 acts as a potent repressor of pre-mRNA splicing in vitro led us to propose that the equilibrium between a limited number of structurally-related general splicing activators or repressors, competing for common or promiscuous binding sites, may be a major determinant of the underlying mechanisms controlling many alternative pre-mRNA process-ing events.
机译:果蝇阻遏物剪接因子1(RSF1)包含一个N端RNA结合区和一个富含甘氨酸,精氨酸和丝氨酸残基的C端结构域,称为GRS结构域。最近,已显示RSF1拮抗富含丝氨酸/精氨酸(SR)家族的剪接因子,因此,它有望通过与RNA的特异性相互作用在果蝇前mRNA子集的加工中发挥作用。为了研究RSF1的RNA结合特异性,我们使用体外选择方法分离了结合RSF1的RNA。我们已经确定了两个由RSF1识别的RNA靶基序,命名为A(CAACGACGA)-和B(AAACGCGCG)型序列。我们在这里显示,A型同源序列表现为SR蛋白依赖性外显子剪接增强子。即,三拷贝的A型配体结合SR蛋白,刺激报道前体mRNA的剪接效率提高了几倍,并导致在体内和体外均包含短的内部外显子。但是,三个副本的B型配体的活性要差得多。 RSF1充当体外pre-mRNA剪接的有效阻遏物的发现使我们提出,竞争共同或混杂结合位点的有限数量的结构相关的一般剪接活化剂或阻遏物之间的平衡可能是一个主要决定因素。控制许多其他前mRNA加工事件的潜在机制。



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