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How do nursing students regard their future career? Career preferences in the post-modern society.


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This article presents findings from a study of 301 Norwegian nursing students' opinions of their future career. The initial survey took place 7 months after the commencement of nursing training in 1998/99 with a follow-up after 2 1/2 years. Data was collated using a questionnaire with closed questions and supplemented by semi-structured in-depth, audio taped interviews concerning the students' professional socialisation. The findings from the initial survey indicate that motives like human contact, helping others and job security (i.e. low risk of being laid off) were important. Plans for further education after finishing the bachelor programme in nursing were abundant. Analysis of the second data-set will show whether there is a change in the students' plans for their future education and career. For nearly 80% of the students it was very important that the bachelor degree could serve as a basis for further education. Multiple regression analysis showed that nursing students who emphasise this importance are less interested in giving care and help to others, and this attitude is confirmed in the interviews. Career preferences were often midwifery, public health or practice in high tech areas like anaesthetics, and not care for chronically ill or elderly patients; areas where there is a shortage of nurses.
机译:本文介绍了对301名挪威护理专业学生对其未来职业的看法的研究结果。最初的调查是在1998/99年度护士培训开始后7个月进行的,随访时间为2 1/2年。使用带有封闭问题的问卷对数据进行整理,并辅以半结构化的,与学生职业社交有关的音频录音访谈。初步调查的结果表明,诸如人际交往,帮助他人和工作安全(即被解雇的低风险)等动机很重要。在完成护理学学士学位课程后,继续教育的计划很多。对第二组数据的分析将显示学生的未来教育和职业计划是否发生变化。对于将近80%的学生而言,学士学位可以作为继续教育的基础非常重要。多元回归分析表明,强调这一重要性的护理系学生对照顾和帮助他人的兴趣较小,这种态度在访谈中得到了证实。职业偏好通常是助产,公共卫生或麻醉等高科技领域的实践,而不是照顾慢性病或老年患者。护士短缺的地区。



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